The Shows, Could Help?

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Eri was very cautious around strangers, that's something Fremient quickly learned. But then again, he wasn't good with children. Poor Freminet could only sit down on the floor and close his eyes. Appearing calm, and unthreatening. Eri slowly relaxed at seeing him stay still. She glanced at the walls in her room, knowing Overhaul was there watching her.

Slowly, she dragged herself out of bed and went to Freminet with silent steps. Carefully stopping, she waited until he showed no sings of waking up before she sat down in front of him. Staring at him, he slowly moved his head up, eyes blinking as he started to wake up.

Eri moved back, slowly placing more distance between them until she was almost on her bed again.

Fremient reached beside him, where Overhaul couldn't see and pulled out a small, mechanical penguin. Eri merely blinked at it, using a toy to gain her trust was nothing new. And she wouldn't fall for it again. But instead of showing her the toy, Freminet placed Pers on his lap.

His soft voice was barely heard outside the glass, but Eri heard it clearly.

"This is Pers, my best friend. Would you like to hear his story?"

Eri stayed quiet, only moving forward, a bit closer to listen.

"There's a legend surrounding him. When Pers was little, he would often gaze at the starry sky."

Fremient raised his head, prompting Eri to do the same. Starry sky, she couldn't stop herself from imagining it. A starry sky, she tried to envision it, but she couldn't remember ever seeing a sky like that.

"The starry sky was filled with lights, of all colors that trapped his gaze. Making it hard for him to look away."

A sky filled with lights, of different colors? She imagined a sky filled with her favorites colors, pink, blue, yellow, and little dots of white all over them.

"In those nights he spent longing for the sky, their colors were enough to make him content for a bit longer. He wanted to fly across the sky, like all the other birds he saw during the day."

Flying, birds... Eri didn't know what what those words meant. But his soft voice and the calmness in this moment made her feel comfortable enough to try and imagine what he was describing.

"He asked a frigatebird once, 'How can I fly like you?' The bird tried to demonstrate his flying for Pers. He stretched his long wings before jumping off the cliff."

Eri gasped and leaned forward, why would the bird jump off a cliff!? It could die from that height! Freminets eyes narrowed in a smile at her reaction, making Eri blush and settle down in the bed. Hiding her face behind a pink bear.

"Pers ran to the cliff, expecting to see an injured frigatebird, but instead; saw him fly high. Spreading his black wings far and wide."

Eri lifted her gaze to signal she was listening.

"The bird beckoned him to try, but-"

Freminet lifted the small wings Pers had beside his chubby belly. Eri moved closer to see better.

"They're small..."

Freminet nodded at her observation.

"He couldn't create enough wind to fly like the frigatebird could. So Pers went, and asked other birds. But with each bird, he only realized he would never be able to fly like them."

Eri repeated the last sentence in her head. She looked at Pers, her eyes softening enough to make Overhaul raise a brow.

"Your subordinate, has he worked with kids before?"

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now