prologue: the reborn cursed children

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Rui nura married the nine guardians of the seijuu universe and she is now taking care of the reborn cursed children

In the scene....

Rui is reading a book while she is holding the little baby in her arms "your supposed to be a detective in your last life I wonder if you'll be just as clever in this life now rather your new name is Reece twilight" Rui said

The guardian of light Leonard, the guardian of darkness Francis, and the guardian of Wind heuye were looking high and low

A 7 year old child was hiding from heuye, Leonard and Francis "where did she go" heuye said having trouble finding her

"I don't know where she disappeared to" Leonard said as Francis looked up at a tree and panicked "little lady you shouldn't be up there" Francis said

This got the attention of both heuye and Leonard "whaaa...but I'm just seeing the view from up here there's nothing wrong with that" the oldest said who was once known as Angela M nura but is now known as Olette twilight

"Kid your gonna break a leg some day and that's not a good thing" Leonard said as Olette bit into an apple and jumped down

They reached out to catch her but she landed on her feet with no trouble at all "you guys need to relax" Olette said dropping the apple on Heuye's head

As she ran off to try and look at the view better "I wonder how we got stuck taking care of her" heuye said "she is somewhat hard to deal with" Leonard said "let's hope the other's a little more successful with the twins" Francis said

The scene changes to the library...

The eldest twin who was originally known as Kayla kuran is now known as Julia twilight who was looking out the window

The 3 guardians watching her were the guardian of steel Ernst, the guardian of earth Victor and the guardian of Greenery Sei-lan

"Is my lesson boring" Ernst said noticing her look out the window making Julia wince "sorry just a little distracted that's all" Julia said rubbing the back of her head

"You want to know about the history of the holy lands right" Victor said as Julia eagerly nodded "good keep that creative spirit flowing" Sei-lan said

The scene changes...

The youngest twin who was originally known as Azura  makoto is now known as Escha twilight with one dark blue and one light blue heterochrome eyes

The guardians watching her were the guardian of dreams Mel, the guardian of water Timka and the guardian of Flames Charlie

Escha was hiding behind a tree playing hide and seek with them "I wonder where the little miss could be hiding" Mel said in a pretending tone

"She has simply disappeared" Timka said as they knew where she was hiding and she giggled silently only to be embraced from behind by Charlie

"Found you Escha" Charlie said as he twirled her around and Escha giggled "it's time for dinner everyone" Rui said while gently holding baby Reece in her arms

Olette was the first to arrive and the last to leave the dinner table that night Olette shared a room with the twins while Rui had Reece in a cradle in her room

Rui kissed them all goodnight and turned off the light "their all going to find their own soulmates in the future I just know it especially aunt violet's triplets" Rui said

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