Azura's Arc- return of the cursed wolf mask

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Yuya was able to resuscitate kyoshiro and Escha sighed in relief "alright now pull yourself together please" yuya said and kyoshiro looked up

"Miss yuya, miss Escha" kyoshiro said out of breath "does that mean you aren't demon eyes kyo anymore" yuya said making kyoshiro panic

"Miss yuya did kyo reappear did he do anything to you or miss Escha" kyoshiro said with worry "he called Escha...Asagi and Azura" Yuya said

"That was close thank goodness" kyoshiro said 'how longs it gonna take yuya to see he laid his head on her bosom' Escha thought to herself then yuya hit him on the head


That night they were walking and found a town and they bumped into a mysterious woman who was interested in demon eyes kyo she kept glaring at Escha while saying how much she loved him

The next morning...

They went to a farmers house to talk about the hidden treasure "every now and then we get a few crazies looking for this hidden treasure" the farmer said

"I couldn't even tell you how these silly rumors get started, but the constant badgering has become a real nuisance" the farmer said

Escha's pov

I felt the farmer's daughter looking at us she didn't seem to like us being there for some reason "is that so" yuya said sweatdropping

"You don't know the half of it we barely have enough to eat" the farmer said kyoshiro questions where lady okuni was 'lady okuni the one who supposedly likes demon eyes kyo...why does that sting' I thought to myself

"After all we are the fallen samurai of the western army" the farmer said "is it safe for you to talk about that" kyoshiro said "it is what it is my friend" the farmer said

"After escaping that living hell we exchanged our swords for farming tools please don't disturb what little we have made for ourselves here let us be" the farmer said


We took a walk with the farmers daughter "wow so peaceful it's so beautiful here mika" yuya said "I hate this place" Mika said

"Hate is a strong word" I said "it's one thing to be defeated in battle to die by a sword but to always have to scurry and hide from everyone" Mika said

"Is this a way for a samurai to live having that shame and disgrace if only my father had died with honor in sekigahara" Mika said

"People do things in their own way it's just how they can't change the person...until the person changes themselves" I said making Mika glare at me

"You can't blame your father for everything that happens in your life" Escha said "That's enough" Mika said and ran away

A strange figure was seen by a cherry blossom tree in the distance making my eyes widen in shock 'that guy isn't human' I thought to myself

Then we started running "hey where are we going" yuya said "we have to get out of here as soon as possible" kyoshiro said running

We were stopped by a man saying he's from the sansaishou then a man in a bandana came "let's see if your good as they say you are demon eye's kyo" the bandana man said

The bandit broke yuya's gun and Mika was behind us to drive us out of the village "yes you will not escape with your life demon eye's kyo" Mika said

"I see so that's it...your so disgraced by your father that you want to end the man you despise the most" I said with a calm tone

"Your not getting out of this either Asagi mibu" Mika said "my name is Escha Twilight...I don't know an Asagi mibu" I said

"This whole village now belongs to the sansaishou" the bandit said "the sunsai gang will lead us out of this place once and for all" Mika said

The bandits chased after kyoshiro and the farmer slapped his daughter for her irresponsible behavior "how can you work for the likes of these common thugs" the farmer said

"Speak for yourself father...I don't intend to waste the rest of here in this God forsaken place" Mika said then ran off

Then kyoshiro was being carried back by the bandana guy and he started flirting with miss yuya and the farmer took us to a safe place to stay

I heard a wind-chime outside "their here" I said Mika was once again with the sansaishou "Mika what are you doing here" the farmer said to his daughter

"What about you father why are you protecting these people" Mika said disgusted "Mika" the farmer said looking at his daughter in disbelief

"We made a pact with the sansaishou father if we help them kill that guy they would help us get out of this village and take us to a better town" Mika said

"All we have to do is put this on him and he'll die in an instant" the leader of the sansaishou said my eyes widened in shock

' can't be...why......why is the cursed wolf mask here' I thought to myself as the mask pulsed and I started to shake slightly

3rd person pov

"And you think it's ok to sacrifice someone for that" yuya said as Escha kneeled to the ground and covered her ears 'it's's calling out to me' Escha thought to herself as she passed out unconscious

"He's not just anyone how can you even say that" Mika said disgusted Escha regained consciousness again and started breathing heavily holding her throat in pain

"But he's demon eyes kyo I know all about him the man whose eyes strike fear into those who stand against him how can you protect such a man" Mika said

Escha's self control over the pulses got worse as the pulses from the mask got bigger and bigger calling out to Escha to unleash her true power on the world

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