Angela's Arc- Angela to Olette

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Angela M nura was the very first cursed child to arrive in the world and the first to be shunned by her parents and abandoned

Olette opened her eyes thinking about the painful memories of her previous past life "why do those memories keep slipping into my mind" Olette said rubbing her brows tiredly

Olette was the rebirth of Angela but she was going to get a fresh start as Olette she didn't want to be reminded of those painful moments in her past life

Olette sighed "I can't focus...I may as well go visit violet and the triplets in the shinchou universe" Olette said and got up walking to the dimensional corridor

Olette realized Julia was sitting in front of the gate to the dimensional corridor "Huh...why are you here Julia?" Olette said

"Huh oh I just wanted a quiet place to write my book" Julia said "really that's interesting are you interested in becoming a novelist then" Olette said teasing her

"Huh oh I just wanted a quiet place to write my book" Julia said "really that's interesting are you interested in becoming a novelist then" Olette said teasing her

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"S.shut up and what are you doing here anyway aren't you suppose to be doing something productive..." Julia said "I'm going to visit the triplets wanna come with" Olette said

"No thank you I'm good here" Julia said "suit yourself" olette said and got on the boat as it sailed through the dimensional corridor to the shinchou holy land

Violet immediately spotted Olette coming from the dimensional corridor "Olette did you come for a visit" violet said "of course I did" Olette said

"Olette" 3 voices said in unison and Olette saw the triplets "Maria, Shiba, Rosearia don't run you'll hurt yourselves" violet said

"Olette" 3 voices said in unison and Olette saw the triplets "Maria, Shiba, Rosearia don't run you'll hurt yourselves" violet said

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[ Maria Crossheart- 14 years old ]

Maria is the oldest triplet and she has short black hair and emerald green eyes "Olette what did you come here for this time" Maria said "I'm here to visit you squirts" Olette said

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