Azura's Arc- hot spring with kyo

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Escha was still passed out as kyo had her resting on his shoulder while leaning against a tree Benny tora and yuya along with yukimura sanada went with him everywhere

"How long are you all going to keep following me" kyo said looking back at them "I want to know why you're carrying Escha around it's clear she doesn't know who you are" yuya said

"You fool she's obviously Asagi mibu reborn" kyo said 'once I get my body back I'm going to show her how badly I've missed her' kyo thought to himself with a smirk as Escha kept dreaming


18 year old kyo mibu was still carrying around an unconscious 10 year old Asagi who was starting to Regain consciousness

Asagi woke up as she was being carried by kyo "are you awake now little mouse" kyo said looking back at her "where are you taking me" Asagi said now a little calmer than before

"Just somewhere we'll both enjoy" kyo said rather seductively 'why do I get nervous at the sound of that' Asagi thought to herself and shivered

Feeling her shiver in his arms made him smirk "are you cold?...well you won't be cold for long this will heat you up" kyo said as they arrived at a nearby hot spring

'Huh...a hot spring...?' Asagi thought to herself confused "get must have been awhile since you've had a proper bath right" kyo said Asagi hesitates

Kyo's pov

I saw her hesitation "go on I'm not going away anytime soon you may as well get it over hurry up and strip" I said

"Alright already give me a second" Asagi said as she slowly removed her kimono and outer robes 'damn she has a nice body too' I thought to myself looking at her

"I can feel your gaze on me could you at least be chivalrous and turn your head away your making me nervous" Asagi said sounding bashful

Instead of following her words I walked up behind her grabbing her waist making her gasp "w.w.w.what are you doing" she stuttered nervously

"Do you want me to undress you then" I said whispering in her ear as she shivered and lightly bit her earlobe "please don't" she said flustered

I chuckled lightly "then get in the hot spring already" I said as I saw her dip into the hot spring 'she's a shy mouse' I thought to myself as I started undressing

Azura's pov

I leaned my arms against the wall facing forward then I heard something drop behind me then saw kyo and turned back around realizing he was now naked while I was wearing a towel

I refused to face him I did not want to face him when he's nude "hey why are you sitting so far away from me" kyo said sounding upset

"It's unproper for an unmarried man and woman to bathe together so excuse me if I'm not entirely bursting with joy" I said sarcastically not turning to face him

"Oh suddenly you've gotten so bold...or are you only saying that because your embarrassed here with a naked man near you" kyo said referring to himself

'That's still no excuse to take a bath with me' I thought to myself covering my face while blushing immensely in embarrassment

3rd person pov

"You can move closer you know" kyo said smirking "no thanks I'm good" Asagi said keeping her distance from the smirking man

Kyo rolled his eyes and pulled her into his lap "eep" Asagi squeaked making her ears turn red with blush "your turning red" kyo said

"Can you let me go please" Asagi said her heart pounding in her chest "I can feel your chest pounding" kyo whispered in her ear

"Ok that's enough for now" Asagi said pushing out of his grip and quickly getting changed 'nope I'm not doing this' Asagi thought blushing immensely

Kyo got dressed his hair still wet "leaving so soon" kyo said "I should be heading home now" Asagi said "what's the rush" kyo said pinning her to the ground

"Let me go" Asagi said "for a mouse you sure are making a big deal of things" kyo said "unhand me you beast" Asagi said kyo chuckled

"Why would I want to release such a fine specimen like you" kyo said putting a hand through her hair "no please don't" Asagi said as he held her in place

Kyo kissed her neck making her squeak "let me go" Asagi said her self control breaking apart as her heterochromia glowed

And she tried to punch him with blue fire on her hands he blocked her hands by grabbing her wrists "interesting ability you have there" kyo said

"It makes me want you even more" kyo said and Asagi was close to passing out kyo pulled away from her and picked her up bridal style

"Where are you taking me now" Asagi said hiding her face in his neck "back to your shed" kyo said as he carried her back

End of Flashback...

Kyo was putting a hand through her hair and she opened her eyes to see kyo and she blushed "what do you want" Escha said blushing

"I'm going to make you mine once I get my body back" kyo said making Escha push him away "your crazy" Escha said and turned away from him

Benny tora looked at the two thinking they were a perfect match for each other "your saying that but once I have my body back I'll be making you never forget it" kyo said

"Kyun I'm serious" Escha said then covered her mouth in shock at what she said "you'd call me that whenever you got embarrassed...I caught you red handed Azura my love" kyo said smirking

Escha gave up knowing there was no point trying to fool him "my name is Azura makoto" she said pouting "glad you finally told me" kyo said 'only because of my big mouth'

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