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[3rd pov]

A bunny cap was staring at the outside of window as little girl heard the train mic. "ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving at the last station shortly. Thank you for choosing, yong pin aerotrain, phew. Thank goodness! It's almost over."

This made bunny cap 'o' mouth while listen mic train.

"man, I can't wait to go karaoke"

This made little girl laugh. "hahaha!" Then the mic start singing.

"damn, I gotta warm up first, oh my butterfly~~ I'm pretty butterfly~~"

You jump off your seat as you went the train driving. While train driver continue singing, then he stopped.

"hey kid. What are you doing here?"

You tell him forgot his mic still on.

"what? The mic still on?"
He look the mic the is still on. "oh no. . ."

You walked back to your seat.

"um, we were having some technical issues and uh I apologize for the mistakes. Hehe. Thank you for you patience and uh. Please don't tell my boss."

"hehe! Awesome!"
You thumbs up just like your big brother, BoBoiBoy. "I gotta tell grandad and big brother about this! Hmm." You lean the palm on tour chin and watch the window.

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BoBoiBoy waited you in train station with his smile, ofcourse he excited to see you. "[sigh] i can't wait to meet my little sister for so long time!"

And there the train he can see. As you peak the window in train and you saw BoBoiBoy there. You were so excited as you jump off. "thanks for accompanying me on the train!"

"no problem, say hi to BoBoiBoy and tok aba to me, you take care for now."

You nodded and you goodbye to lady and the lady wave goodbye too. You run towards train exit. "I can't wait to see big brother and grandad!"

The train slowly stopped, you were standing the door train as then the train door open itself and there your big brother. "(y/n)!"

"big brother!"


You both started run towards eachother then you both 'hug' eachother "it's been so long you been grow up (y/n)!" BoBoiBoy said while closed eyes and smile while hugging.

"uhm, mister."

BoBoiBoy break the hug and see a wrong person who hugged. "I'm not (y/n)?"

BoBoiBoy shock and confused then he look left and saw you hugged another person. "it's been so long I haven't seen you big brother!"

This made BoBoiBoy mad and confused. "hey! Who do you think you're hugging over there? That's not me!"

"eh?" You break the hug that you got wrong person who hugged. You felt embarrassing. "uh, hehe. Sorry mister."

BoBoiBoy crossed his arm to his chest and he 'hmph'

"heh. Speak for yourself."
The little girl Walk away this scene.

"sorry big brother, I thought it was you." You said as you walked toward him with your luggage.

BoBoiBoy sigh. "it's alright lil sis."

He give you headpat.

"hehe. How are you big brother? How is grandad?"

"I'm fine and grandad is worked on kokotiam. How about you?"

"it's great! Can we go kokotiam? I wanna see grandad!

"sure." He take your luggage and your hand as you both walked.

"oh! Big brother! You know what? The train driver forgot to turn off the mitres now."

"heh, speak for yourself."

When you two gone in train station. The boy looked at little girl and he open his arm for a hug. This made little girl suspicious of him.

"huh? I don't know you."

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. . . Next chapter 1 . . .

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[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now