[ ☁︎ - 13 - ☁︎ ]

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Hello I wanna say I didn't make Christmas this story cuz I'm having Christmas party my family member and that place doesn't have data, signal and connection. But I wanted to say. . . Merry late Christmas! And here chapter 13!

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"You still want to fight? Just surrender already!"

"I. . . I won't surrender!"

A blue light bright behind him as reveal two figure. As a guy reveal his face from his mask.

"Captain kaizo!" Gopal, yaya and Ying exclaimed.

Meanwhile papazola and cattus in spaceship. "Eeh? That's my disciple's ship!" He said.

Back to in maximum, kaizo walk toward at junglenaut. "Who are you?!" He asked, kaizo look at Gopal and ciciko got stuck by the cement. Then he look at Ying and yaya had same stuck by cement, he gaze at you were holding ochobot.

You yelped by his gaze then you quickly run over your big brother as boboiboy notice you run toward him and you hug him as boboiboy hug you back, he look up at kaizo. "Defeat him, captain kaizo." He said as you look a peek at kaizo and his face you remind of fang.

Jugglenaut spoke. "How dare you ignore me--"

"Enough talk!" Jugglenaut cut off by kaizo spoke as kaizo take his blade. "Energy blade!" He activate his blade and his face as he dash toward jugglenaut and attack him.

Jugglenaut notice as kaizo slash him with his blade that cause jugglenaut back away by the blade and he landed the ground by his hand that his balance. He look up at kaizo but he wasn't there, secretly kaizo was behind him and another slash at him before he could hit him, jugglenaut notice and he block the blade with his Armour.

You watch kaizo slash at jugglenaut. Your gaze was awe and amaze at his attack. "Wow. . . !"

"Petrifying cement!" Jugglenaut blast cement at kaizo as kaizo Dodge the cement. Then he dash at jugglenaut.

You notice fang run toward you and boboiboy. "You okay you two?" He asked as you both nod.

"We're okay. ."

"Don't worry. Just leave the rest to us!" He said with smile.

Then you asked him with curious. "Fang, fang. Who is that guy name kaizo? Why his face look familiar your face. . . Is he your brother?" Fang smile at you and nod. As you were big surprise face.

Meanwhile kaizo Dodge the cement. He look at jugglenaut and he wasn't there, jugglenaut was landed the ground behind kaizo from afar with his smirk. "You're done for." He said as he activate power the cement. Kaizo look back and notice his doing activate the power. "Petrifying cement!" He blast big cement at kaizo.

"Shadow grasp!" A shadow hand block the cement. As jugglenaut shocked and glared at fang from afar and fang deactivate his power and look at jugglenaut. "Brace yourself!"

"Why did you interfere?!" Kaizo shout at him that fang slight shocked at him. "Let me fight one-on-one with this clown." He said as he point at him with his blade.

"Wow, so dashing!" Other power sphera amaze him.

"He's so cool!"

Meanwhile your memories you remember someone protect you from cause trouble since you were a little you. 'He remind me of someone. . . I remember he looks my big brother and a red clothes. .' You thought.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now