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. . . Chapter 5 . . .

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You watched curious what Gopal doing, Gopal collect the rock and place in there then he activate his power. "Chocolate 'cekodok' transformation!" The rocks change to a chocolate. "Haa. You want some?" He give you one then you shook your head with deadpan face. Gopal shrugged his shoulder then look his friends.

"Ewww. . No thanks we brought our own food." Two girls take out their food.

"Suit yourself then. . It's your lost. ." He said then eat the chocolate.

You notice BoBoiBoy sigh. "Sheeshh. . . We've been trying to search for this power sphera for 2days why can't we find it."

"Just take it easy BoBoiBoy it's not our fault everytime we managed to tracked it down it just disappear." Gopal said.

"Yeahh. Ochobot's energy is running out since he keep using teleport power" ying said as she looked ochobot is recharging.

BoBoiBoy look down and you notice his face kinda frown. you got up your seat on branch then you went front of him then you pat his head. While your other hand holding a cup of water.

"You need to be patient this is our 1st mission." Yaya said.

"But supposedly we should be better for our 1st mission we need to-" BoBoiBoy and you cut off by the noise.

You looked around what noise come from but all you can see the fog at this night, Gopal hide BoBoiBoy behind. "What's that sound?" He started scared.

Then another sound and again looked around, you turn your face then notice a cactus front of you Wich you made curious. "Huh? Since when there's a cactus over there?" You curious. Then sudden cactus move and reveal itself a cat.

Everyone surprised except you awed and surprised and including the girls too.


"Aawwww! So cute! !"

The cat scratch itself, then he sniff something. It looked at you then looked at cup of water in your hand were holding, the cat look at you with adorable eyes then it lick.

You blink curious with clueless. You look the cup then cat then cup then cat. "Ooooh. . . You thirsty? Here. . Drink this-" You crouch down and about give the cat the water.

Gopal went over you as quickly cat step back "dei! What do you think you're doing (y/n)?! We have a limited supply of water." He said as you deadpan at him then you take out your tongue as you 'bleh' at him.

Then Gopal heard hissing, he looked turn and see a cat hissing at him, he yelped, you went over the cat as you place the cup on the ground. "Just let it drink meanie Gopal, it must be real thirsty" you said as you watch the cat went the cat and sniff. Then he lick as he drink the water. You awed the cat as you turn look at your big brother. "Big brother, can we adopt this kitten?" You asked innocent.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now