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. . . Chapter 9 . . .

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Spring and summer played hide and seek in TAPOPS space station. Ciciko doesn't mind you split season while other your rain symbol are loading process taking too long.

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"I'll handle the investigation. The rest of you can carry on with the mission."

"A mission? Hurray!" The two girls exclaimed.

"Not you two! And you too, (y/n). You must stay."

"Aww. . . But why not?"

"The two of you need to be out here to defend the space station. And (y/n) be here with me."

Ying hand on her waist "Haiya! Don't we have captain papa for that?"

"You want to rely on HIM? Hmph. He made ochobot teleport him back to earth 'homesick', he said. and that why (y/n) stay here with me while her brother on Mission."

"Honestly. . ." BoBoiBoy poker face.

"But. . I have my power watch! See?" You show your power watch to kokoci. As your power watch the symbol still loading process in 5%.

"Hm. . You can't go on mission yet, you have to training first."

"What? No! I wanna-"

"Then you can mission with your brother if you already learn your training-"

"Okay, deal." You extend your hand to Kokoci as Kokoci take your hand then shake as a agree with you two serious face while the gang watch you two with Pikachu surprised.

"So what's our mission, commander?" Gopal asked.

"The three of your must deliver. . . These bundles of LAUNDRY!"

~flashback end~

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"Found you!" Summer exclaimed as spring laugh.

"Awh man, you found me!" Spring giggle then heard the door open as the season of you merge back to normal. And you got out the desk and run towards the door.

"We're back, commander."

Kokoci heard and he shocked. "Hah? ! YOU'RE HERE? ! Where's the admiral-- where? Where?" He look fang then BoBoiBoy and Gopal then look up see admiral tarung. Kokoci sweatdrop. "I bid you welcome, admiral tarung!" Kokoci do TAPOPS salute.

"Why, thank you!" Admiral tarung said with smile shine.

"Big brother! !" You exclaimed as you hug him and BoBoiBoy hug you back.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now