[ ☁︎ - 3 - ☁︎]

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. . . Chapter 3 . . .

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"Step on it, probe!" Adudu shout.

"Lightning blade!" Lightning throw his blade at adudu, was about hit him but it missed. "Stop, adudu!" Adudu turn look then he glared that he see BoBoiBoy chasing him.

"Take this!" Adudu pressed his red bottom then there's a gun shooting on probe back while driving, then he shooting at lightning.

Lightning dodge the shooting gun at him with his lightning speed. He keep dodging and dodging then until he jump and he about to hit adudu "turn around, probe!"

"Ok, Mr. Boss!" Probe turn driving as lightning look surprised.

"FIRE!" Adudu pressed the bottom and the bullet shooting towards at lightning, It about to hit him then sudden someone make sheild barrier at him then explode.

Ciciko stoped driving. "BoBoiBoy!"

Adudu stopped driving too. "Hahaha! Serves you right for challenging the top power sphera hunter of all-"


"Yes! Wait- what?"

The smoke gun and reveal themselves, it's you but different clothes and color it's pink. Your position standing as your hand hold your hip, your eyes are pink, clothes pink color and has Sakura pattern with white line. While lightning smirk as he crossed his arm. "Hello! My name spring (y/n)!"

You introduce yourself the element as you two heard panting. "Wait for me, BoBoiBoy. . . (Y/n)- eh? (Y/n)? How do you get here- why she look different?"

"I don't know, I just notice her different." Lightning said.

"Hey! Adudu! Let's play!" You exclaimed as you created a giant hand with your shield made, you were about hold adudu and probe.

"Transform, probe!"

"Got it!" Probe transform. "MODE: mecha. . . Probe!"

You hold adudu and probe with your giant shield hand, then you see a crack as you gasped including BoBoiBoy, Gopal, kokoci, ochobot and motobot. Then your giant shield hand broken into species and vanish. You let go and you fall into the ground.

Lightning notice you, he crouch down you and he glared at adudu. "Ha! You guys are just asking for it! Very well. I will crush you first!" Adudu scanning at you three then he shooting you three.

Lightning gasped and he changed form to wind. "Wind blast!" He make wind blast and the two bullet turn back at adudu and explode.

You three cover themselves and you three notice probe jump off the as you three shocked. "Just you wait!" Adudu pressed bottom.

"R-run, Gopal!" Wind yelled as he carried you and start running.

"D-dey! I just got here!" Gopal start running as BoBoiBoy changed back to original and also you did too, then mega probe chasing you three.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now