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[(Y/n) pov]

"Gentlemen and . . . Power Spheras. We are gathered here this morning to inaugurate. . . Three new cadets into TAPOPS. BoBoiBoy, (y/n) and Gopal."

Eeek! I'm so happy! I'm tapops member! I'm. . . So. . . Waku! Waku!

"Their duty. . . Is to travel across the Galaxy to seek and rescue power spheras. Hopefully they will. . ."



"Make it quick, ciciko. No one got time for your blabbering." Gopal said. I looked at him with deadpan.

Ciciko looked shock and slight mad at Gopal "huh? What did you say?!" He take out the stick thing? And he hit Gopal shoulder, ouch.

"Ouch! That's hurts!"

"Moving on. Motobot. Bring me their badges." Ciciko said.

"Yes, commander." Motobot follow him.

Ciciko went Gopal and he front of him, he take the badge and he put on Gopal chest- "ouchh!" . . . I didn't expected that.

Ciciko went the badge and he put the badge on my big brother! "Wow! This looks super cool!" Yay! Big brother has badge!

Kokoci went the badge and he put on it my bunny cap hat! "Woahh. . ! That so awesome-" I was cut off by ciciko take the badges. I was curious myself.

"Hmph. Enough. Give me those! We need them for the next batch of cadets." He said in serious.

"Sheeshh! You're such a cheapskate, ciciko!"

"What did you just call me?!" He point the stick thing on Gopal nose.

"Err. . . Commander ciciko. . ?" He said in nervous.

"Wrong answer!" He take out the stick on Gopal nose. "An all official affairs, you DO NOT address me by my alias, 'ciciko'. Instead. . . Address me by my real name. Kokoci. Commander kokoci." He exclaimed as he put sunglasses on. And another, is he can see us when he wear another sunglasses?

"Yessir! Commander coffee beans, sir!" We're exclaimed.

"It's KOKOCI! NOT 'coffee beans'!" He shouted.

We're yelped and we're immediately apologize. "Forgive us, commander kokoci!"

"Very well. Three of you are now officially members of TAPOPS. Congratulations, cadet BoBoiBoy, little cadet (y/n) and cadet Gopal." He said as he do a TAPOPS salute. And we do the same as his TAPOPS salute!

[3rd pov]

Tok aba and ochobot cheering you three and clapping. "Hurray! Yay!"

You and BoBoiBoy looking eachother and smile. "Hehe. Awesome!"

Tok aba tears up. "[Sniff] My grandson and granddaughter is now a cadet. . . [Sniff] such a high rank too. . . [Sniff]" He said as ochobot sigh.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now