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Everyone froze and watch the racer who winning.

The aliens watch them in gasped.

The gang watch them in concerned.

Who going to win? Adudu? Boboiboy and (y/n)? Well, we don't know! But let's find out who going to win!

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The racers who driving fast, the racer who was the first driving while others too and the two racer what behind them.

both two racer laughing each other as the guy drive toward the racer and bump them that cause the racer out the race. And other one too.

The both racer drive the racer in middle and crash them.

Then last one racer that they went over them. The cactus racer look behind and notice those two was after him.

"Knock him out!" The red guy yelled.

"[Gibberish talk]" the blue one said then laugh, i don't know what language is that. Do you?

Anyway, those two high speed and bumped the cactus racer. While cactus racer spinning that guy bumped him then he crashed the director as he jump out the vehicle then he cover himself before the vehicle explode.

The two driving as went to pause, Rio was the one who paused the tv as the screen showed the two racer who violent them, all of you here the controller that you guys have an mission to do.

The y dou gasped while yaya cover your eyes that because the violent. "So violent!"

"Sister yaya, can you remove my eyes now?" You asked as yaya let her hand off your eyes. You blink twice them look at the screen those two as you yelped. "Ah! What is that?!"

"This is your next mission." Admiral said as Rio switch picture to the symbol that from racer who violent them.

Fang gasped. "T-the Nova Prix space race. . .?!"

"Why are you so scared? What sort of race is this?" Boboiboy asked fang.

"Don't you know? Nova Prix is the most dangerous space race ever. It's held every 10 years." Fang explain.

"What's so dangerous about it? Looks okay to me." Gopal said and someone bonk his head. "Ow!"

"Silly Gopal, the track is supeeerrr difficult, and racers can do anything at all just to win the race." Rio said as fang nod.

You went Rio and asked. "What do you want us to do, admiral?"

"Easy! Win the race and bring back the power sphera trophybot!" Rio clicked the remote as the screen showed the trophybot.

You, ying and yaya surprise. "The prize is a power sphera?!"

"Yes this is why so many have joined this race. To win the power sphera and other lucrative prizes!"

"But we don't have any experience in racing. How are we going to win" Boboiboy said.

Rio sweatdrop and looked at admiral. She walk toward you and cover your ears.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now