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I changed (y/n) age to 8

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"Good morning, everyone. On this historic day. . . I, as the commander of TAPOPS, am released to announce that this spaceship. . ." Everyone here is smile as kokoci wear sunglasses. "Has been fully RESTORED!"

"Hurray!" You all celebrate by sudden cattus awake by your exclaimed, everyone clap the hands.

"Therefore. . . It is time for all members of TAPOPS to head back to the TAPOPS space station!" Kokoci said as cattus yawning.

"Err. . . Can't we just stay here on earth?"

"Negative! We need to deliver the power spheras that we've rescued so far. Not to mention, we must lock-up captain separo."

"Poor captain separo. . . He deserve it." You said with innocent smiled as BoBoiBoy friend look at you and sweatdrop.

"But before we head off. . . I'd like to extend my sincerest gratitude to tok aba" kokoci walk toward tok aba. "For looking after us while we are on earth. TAPOPS will forever be in your debt."

"Haha. No need for all that. I'll make sure to send you the bill."

"Erk! Very well. Get ready, Everyone! Time to head off. . ."

"Into SPACE! !" you exclaimed.

"Yes! Into SPACE!"

"Let's go!"

"Open the teleportal now, Ochobot."

"Affirmative." Ochobot activate open the teleportal.

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"We get going then, tok. With your blessing."

"With your blessing." You both said to tok aba the blessing.

Tok aba hummed then nodded, a crying from papazola. Tok aba attention look at papazola. "Huh?"

"Justice's heart is filled with sorrow!" He sobbing.

"Hmm? It's MY grandkids who's leaving yet YOU'RE the one crying?"

"I. . . I weep not for your grandkids. . ." He swipe his tears with towel. "But. . . For my kitty-cat of justice! Why is cattus going away too?!" He crying as cattus meowing in your shoulder. This made papazola even more cry.

"Bye-bye, cattus. . . ! Don't forget to write! Make sure to call often! And don't forget to text papa, okay?"

"Hey, sir! How would a cat know how to text?" Gopal said then notice cattus turn look at him with mad face. "Erk!" It hissing then it run toward Gopal and attack him, Gopal scream while running as both went inside the spaceship.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now