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You woke up in shared room with your big brother. ( Not in shared bed, there's another bed in his room that you two could share the bedroom.) You sat up and see BoBoiBoy bed and he isn't there. "huh? Big brother?" You got up the bed and leave the room as you walked to downstairs.

"big brother! Tok aba!"
You called them as no response, you spout your face "where he could be." You mumble.

You went kitchen and Then you notice a paper pinned on the fridge You went there and read. "meet me at cafe?

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After you were done eating the breakfast and wear your usual clothes you wear yesterday. You went out and lock the door with key on your hand. "okay! lock the door. Check! Next say hi to Rio!" You said you look the paper had draw look like Rio. "huh? He looks kind of like this? Huh? Rio?"

"hi (y/n)!"

You sudden scream, then stopped. The brown short hair blink her eyes. "what did yo- what did you do that for!"

The brown hair girl nervous laugh

"wait, how do you know my name?"

"oh. Your big brother and tok aba told me."

You sigh "yeah, tok aba likes doing that, oh! Uh. . Do you know Wich way to go the kokotiam?"

Rio nodded. "sure! I know wich way you get there. Follow me!"
She started to walk the shortcut then you follow her.

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[(Y/n) pov]

We made it the park and I can see kokotiam! "thank you Rio!" I thanked him.

"no problem kid! See ya later (y/n), bye!" He walk away as his wave at me, then I wave at him.

I'll started walk to kokotiam. And I see big brother, I think his friend with and floating robot! Wait- floating robot? A blur glowing around him and blast up! I look up and there's a black hole! I think looks like a teleportal! I went to big brother and I tug his shirt.

"big brother? What's going on?" I asked.

Big brother look down at me and he crouch down. "don't worry (y/n), i can explain you later after this" He said and I nodded at him and i look up the portal.

"Huh? BoBoiBoy! Look!" His friend pointed at the portal and I can see a ship! That cool- wait- a spaceship?! My jaw dropped then I hide my big brother back.

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[3rd pov]

"We made it!" Ciciko exclaimed, sudden the cables caught the back spaceship that sudden stop.

"Huh?!" Everyone gasped and shocked.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now