Hay Fever?

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Cut to Flynn, Hugo and the Stabbington brothers sliding down the shingles and jumping along the roof. Dramatic music plays.

Eugene, and Hugo pauses, staring outwards.

"Wow... I could get used to a view like this."
"Yeah, Flynn this is nice view."

"Hugo, Flynn come on".

He holds up a finger. "Hold on." He pauses and stands back cockily, his hands on his hips. "Yep, I'm used to it."

"Guys I want a castle."
"Yeah, me too "

"We do this job, you guys could buy your own castle." Yanks Eugene and Hugo back by his collar.

The thief hangs from a rope, threaded through an opening in the castle ceiling.
A guard sneezes. Hugo is hanging right behind him, holding the crown.

"Oh, hay fever?"

The guard smiles. "Yeah."

He turns around to see Hugo leaning against the pedestal, with the crown in his hand. He turns back around.) Huh? (turns around and sees Flynn, who is now escaping through the roof) Huh? Wait, what? Hey, wait!

The trio is running

"Aha! Nice one Hugo!"
"What could I say I have tricks in my sleeves!!"

"Can't you picture us in a castle of our own? I mean, we certainly can. Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning." Flynn jumps up, brandishing satchel. "Gentlemen, this is a very big day!"
"Wohoooo!!!" Hugo shouts in excited

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