Out of The Tower

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[Flynn and Hugo climbing down the Tower]
Flynn: You comin', blondie?
Hugo: You comin', Goggles?

[Rapunzel and Varian on window edge]

Rapunzel: Look at the world so close, and we've halfway to it!

Varian: Look at it all so big, do we even dare?

Rapunzel: Look at us, there at last! We just have to do it Should we? No. Here we go…
You ready Varian?
Varian: i-i don't know about this Raps
Rapunzel: it's okay Varian I'II hold you, I promise everything is going to be alright
[Varian smile at Rapunzel]

Rapunzel: Now hope on my back
Varian: okay
[Varian climbs on Raps back]
Raps and Varian: here we go...

[Rapunzel's hair dropped down, and Raps and Varian sliced down]

[Stops between the grass]
[Steps on grass]

Rapunzel: *exited*
Varian: wow!

Rapunzel: Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!

Varian: Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me

[Steps on lake]

Rapunzel: For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!
Varian: I'm completely free!

Rapunzel: we could go running,
Varian: and racing,
Rapunzel: and dancing,
Varian: and chasing
Rapunzel: And leaping,
Varian: and bounding,
Rapunzel: hair flying,
Varian: heart pounding

Rapunzel: And splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling
Varian: Finally Free!

Rapunzel and Varian: That's when my life begins!

[birds chirping]

I can't believe we did this.

*I can't believe we did this.*

I can't believe we did this! Haha.

*Mother would be so furious.*
*What have we done.*

That's okay! I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?
I guess?

*Oh my gosh, this would kill her.*
*Oh gosh...*

This is so fun!
This is Amazing!

*I am a horrible daughter. I'm going back.*
*I am a horrible son. I'm going back.*

We never going back! Woo-hoo!

*We are despicable human being.*

Woo-hoo! Best. Day. Ever!

Raps and Varian:[sobs]

Flynn: Hmm-mm-m.
Hugo: hmm
Flynn:You know, I can't help but notice you two seem a little at war with you're two selfshere.
Hugo: yeahhh

Rapunzel: [sniff] What?
Varian: huh?

Flynn: Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces, of course. Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip.
I mean, this is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience.
This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure–

Hugo: that's good, healthy even!

Rapunzel: You think?
Varian: really?

Flynn: I know. You're way over-thinking this, trust us. Does your mother deserve it?
Hugo: No. Would this break her heart and crush her soul?
Flynn; Of course. But you two just got to do it.

Rapunzel: 'Break her heart?'

Flynn: In half.

Varian: 'Crush her soul?'

Hugo: [squeezes grape] Like a grape.

Rapunzel and Varian: She would be heartbroken, you're right.

Hugo: aren't we? Oh bother.

Flynn: All right, I can't believe we're saying this, but we letting you two out of the deal.

Rapunzel and Varian: What?

Hugo: That's right.
Flynn: But don't thank us. Let's just turn around and get you two home (/find your pan and magical poisons)–and your frog and rat–we get back my satchel, you get back a mother-daughter and Son relationship based on mutual trust and voila!
Hugo: We part ways as unlikely friends.

Rapunzel: No! We seeing those lanterns–
Varian: Yeah! We're going to see those lanterns, right here, Right Now

Flynn: Oh come on!
Hugo: What is it going to take to get his satchel back?

Rapunzel and Varian : we will use this.

[Ruffling sound in nearby thicket]

Rapunzel: [gasp] Is it ruffians?
Varian: Thugs?
Rapunzel and Varian: Have they come for us!?

[Rapunzel climb on Flynn and while Varian climbs on Hugo]

[A rabbit hops out]

Flynn: Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.
Hugo: yep, definitely can smell fear

Rapunzel: Oh, huh, sorry. Guess we're just a little bit… jumpy.
Varian: yep jumpy as always, hehe...

Hugo: (//////) *thoughts* (c-cute... W-what?? No Hugo stay on put!)

Flynn: Probably be best if we avoid ruffians and thugs, though.
Hugo: y-yeah probably

Rapunzel: Uh-huh, yeah, that'd probably be best.
Varian: yep let's get going

[Somewhere outside]

Flynn: [pause] Are you hungry? We know a great place for lunch.

Rapunzel: Oh.
Varian: Where?

Flynn: Oh don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it.
Hugo: Yep, you two gonna like it

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