Thiefs and Horse

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Flynn: Uh, uh… Agh! Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no, this is bad, this is very very bad, this is really bad… They just can't get my nose right!

Hugo: aww you got to be kidding me Flynn???

St: Who cares?

Flynn: Well it's easy for you to say! You guys look amazing

[Boxed in]

Flynn: Uh, all right, okay, give us a boost,

Hugo: and we'll pull you up.

St: Give us the satchel first.

Flynn: Uh? I just–I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me? Ouch.

Hugo: Really all this time!, it breaks my heart

St: Now help us up, pretty boys

Flynn: Sorry, my hands are full.
Hugo: Adios¡

St: What? Rider, Hugo!


Capt: Retrieve that satchel at any cost!
Guards: Yes sir!

[Maximus neighs, the other brown horses neigh in reply. Flynn being chased]

Capt: We got him now, Maximus!

[chase, Capt knocked off, Flynn, and Hugo rides on Maximus]

Flynn: Ya, haha! –Ooh!

[Maximus comes to adrupt halt, grunts angrily]

Flynn: Ugh! Come on, fleabag, forward!
Hugo: Charge!

[Maximus stares at satchel only, to snatch satchel]

Flynn And Hugo: No!

[Maximus to snatch satchel]

Flynn: No! Stop it, stop it! Give it to me–give me that!–
Hugo: w-woah! Give it-back!
[chase. F gets hold of satchel]

Flynn: Ha!
Hugo: (sigh in relief)

Branch breaks

Flynn and Hugo: Aghhhhh! [Maximus neighs in horror]

[Maximus searches for Flynn and Hugo, Flynn, and Hugo hides & discovers tower]

Flynn and Hugo: Woah
Hugo: what is this place?
Flynn: don't know kid, but this a great hiding spot and a tower

[Then Flynn and Hugo go to the tower set up the rope]
Flynn: Okay kid I'm gonna check if anyone is up there, you stay here
Hugo: What-? Oh c'mon Flynn
Flynn: for your safety
Hugo: but I'm grown up
Flynn: your 16 Hugo, now stay
Hugo: *huff* Fine!

Flynn sets their rope and climb to the tower

Flynn: [enters tower, pants.] Mhm, alright no one's here, *sigh* Alone at last.

[hits by frying pan]
Rapunzel and Varian: Agh! [fearfully hides, approaches. Flynn]

[Pascal and Ruddiget motions head]
[Rapunzel moves Flynn's head.]
[Pascal turns brown at pointy-teeth drawing]

[Rapunzel finds Flynn's teeth straight.]
Rapunzel: Oh. [Flicks Flynn's hair, uncovering his face. Approaches.]

Flynn: Huh?

[Rapunzel hits Flynn with frying pan. Rapunzel pants.]
Varian: T-that was a close one
Hugo: Flynn! Are you done yet?

[Varian check peeking look out of the window]

Hugo: I'm not gonna wait here till forever!

Rapunzel: what is it Varian?
Varian: there's another person like him.

[Outside Tower]
Hugo: Okay, I'm gonna go up there now!
[Then Hugo climb up to the Tower]

Hugo: Flynn?

[Hugo saw no one there's only furnitures around]
Hugo: huh!, not bad for a place to hide.

[Hugo search around the room]
Hugo: Flynn, this isn't funny you know. Flynn?

[hits by frying pan]

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