The Deal

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[examines Flynn and Hugo]


[Rapunzel pulls the chairs. Pascal and Rudiger wakes up Flynn and Hugo]

Pascal: *stick his tounge in Flynn Ear*
Rudiger: *Wagging his tail*

Flynn: Agh!
Hugo: *sneash* Acho!

Flynn: Huh? Uh? [struggles]
Hugo: Is this hair?

Rapunzel: Struggling… struggling is pointless.

Flynn and Hugo: Huh?

Varian: I know why you're here,

Raps and Varian: and we're not afraid of you.

Flynn: What?
Hugo: What?

[Rapunzel and Varian emerges]

(Not gonna lie nice entrance)

Rapunzel: Who are you?
Varian: And how did you find us?

Flynn: Aha.
Hugo: Aha.

Rapunzel: Who are you?
Varian: And how did you find us?

Flynn: Mm-hm. I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you--
Hugo: 'us' he meant us

Flynn: but may...
I just say…
Hi. How ya doin'? The name's Flynn Rider. How's your day goin'? Huh? And this is my partner Hugo

Hugo: (whisper) are you trying to flirt?

(Y'all not think about he's just flirting with Rapunzel)

Rapunzel: Ugh!
Varian: Stop that, saying to my sister!

Rapunzel and Varian: Who else knows our location, Flynn Rider and Hugo?

Flynn: All right, blondie–
Hugo: All right, Goggles–

Rapunzel: Rapunzel.
Varian: Varian.

Flynn: Gesundheit. Here's the deal.
We we're in a situation,

Hugo: gallivanting through the forest. We came across your tower...

Flynn: and… ho, oh no… where is my satchel?

Varian: we've hidden it,
Rapunzel: somewhere you two never find it.

Flynn: It's in that pot, isn't it?

[A bang by frying pan.]

Flynn: Er, uh. Huh? [realizes Pascal's tongue stuck in his ear]
Hugo: Achoo! [Realizing Rudiger's Tail is on his face]

Flynn: Yike! [shakes off Pascal]
Hugo: Gah! Get away [shakes off Rudiger]

Flynn and Hugo: Would you two stop that?

Rapunzel: Now it's hidden where you'll never find it.
Varian: yep it's not here anymore
Rapunzel; So, what do you want with my hair? To cut it?
Varian: stealing my poisons?

Flynn: What?
Hugo: What?

Rapunzel and Varian: Sell it?

Flynn and Hugo: No!
Flynn: Listen, the only thing we want to do with your hair and your poisons is to get out of it.
Hugo: Literally.

Rapunzel and Varian: You-
Rapunzel: Wait. You don't want my hair?
Varian: you don't want my poisons?

Flynn: Why on earth would we want your hair?
Hugo: and why would we steal your poisons?
Flynn: Look, we was being chased
Hugo: we saw a tower,
Flynn:we climbed it, end of story.

Rapunzel and Varian: You're… telling the truth?

Flynn and Hugo: Yes!

[Pascal and Rudiger distrusts]

Rapunzel: we know, we need someone to take us.
Varian: are you sure Raps?

[Pascal and Rudiger motions]

Rapunzel: I think they're telling the truth, too.
Varian: what??

[Pascal and Rudiger motions]

Rapunzel: (He) they doesn't have fangs, but what choice do we have?
Varian: well...okay I trusted you

[Flynn and Hugo struggles]

Rapunzel: Huh. Okay, Flynn Rider and Hugo, we prepared to offer you a deal.

Flynn and Hugo: Deal?

Varian: Look this way.

[Flynn and Hugo collapses with chair]

Rapunzel: Do you know what these are?

Flynn: You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?
Hugo: the princess?
Flynn: yeah, remember I told you

Rapunzel: Lanterns. I knew they weren't stars.
Varian: mhm...this is new
Rapunzel: Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky with these lanterns.
You will act as our guide, take us to these lanterns, and return me home safely.
Varian: Then, and only then, we will return your satchel to you guys. That's our my deal.

Flynn: Yeah. No can do. Unfortunately, the kingdom and we aren't exactly 'simpatico' at the moment.

Hugo: So yeah we won't be taking you anywhere.

[Pascal and Rudiger: get tough. Rapunzel pulls Flynn and Hugo up]

Rapunzel: Something brought you here, Flynn Rider and Hugo.
Varian: Call it what you two will:
Rapunzel and Varian: fate, destiny…

Flynn and Hugo: A horse.

Rapunzel: So we have made the decision to trust you two

Flynn: A horrible decision,
Hugo: literally, really.

Varian: But trust us when we tell you this.

[Rapunzel tugs hair, Flynn falls forward]

Flynn: Ugh!
Hugo: Gah!
[Rapunzel catches chair and Varian catches the other chair]

Rapunzel: You can tear this tower apart brick by brick.
Varian: but without our help, you will never find your precious satchel.

Flynn: Hmm-mm.
Hugo: Let us just get this straight.
Flynn: We take you to see the lanterns,
Hugo: bring you guys back home,
Flynn: and you'll give me back my satchel?

Rapunzel and Hugo: we promise.

[Flynn and Hugo in disbelief]

Rapunzel: And when we promise something
Varian: we never ever break that promise.

[Flynn and Hugo in disbelief]

Rapunzel and Varian: Ever.

[Pascal and Rudiger nods. Flynn and Hugo looking at Pascal and Rudiger, then looks at Rapunzel and Varian]

Flynn: All right, listen, we didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the 'smoulder'.

[Rapunzel & Pascal: stern look]
[Varian and Rudiger: questioning look]

Hugo: seriously Flynn? Ugh!
This is kind of an off day for us. He  doesn't do this normally happen.

Flynn and Hugo: … Fine, we take you too to see the lanterns!

Rapunzel: Really? Oops.
[Flynn and Hugo falls down]
Varian: ouch.

Flynn: You broke my 'smoulder'.
Hugo: Ouch!

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