Poor Little Orphan Eugene, and Hugo's Story

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[Somewhere On Lake]

[Both cough after surfacing]
Rapunzel: We made it.
Varian: We made it.

Flynn: Her hair glows.
Hugo: His Stripe glows.

[While Rapunzel and Varian are happy and cheerful, Flynn and Hugo have a lot questions]

Rapunzel: I'm alive. I mean-we're alive!
Varian: I know!
Flynn and Hugo: I didn't see that coming.
Rapunzel: Eugene.
Varian: Hugo.

Flynn : Her hair actually glows.
Hugo: His Stripe actually glows.
Rapunzel: Eugene.
Varian: Hugo.

Flynn: Why does her hair glow?
Hugo: Why does his hair Stripe glows?
Rapunzel: Eugene!
Varian: Hugo!
Flynn and Hugo: What?
Rapunzel and Varian: It doesn't just glow.
Flynn and Hugo: Why is he [Pascal and Rudiger] smiling at me?

[In the Forest]

[Mother Gothel in the forest searching for Rapunzel and Varian then she heard someone and quick hides behind a tree, with a knife on her hand]

St: I'll kill 'em. I'll kill that Rider and Hugo!
We'll cut him off at the kingdom, and get back the crown. C'mon!

[Then Mother Gothel had an idea, and then show up in front of the brothers]

Gothel: Boys!

[St turn to Gothel]

Gothel: Perhaps you want to stop acting like wild dogs chasing their tails and think for a moment.

[Gothel holding satchel. St draw swords]

Gothel: Oh-ho, please, there's no need for that.

[Gothel tosses satchel at St. St find crown]

Gothel: Well, if that's all that you desire then be on your way. I was going to offer you something worth one thousand crowns, would have made you rich beyond belief and that wasn't even the best part, hoho, oh well, c'est la vie. Enjoy your crown.

St: What's the best part?
Gothel: It comes with revenge on Flynn Rider and Hugo.

[Back with Eugene & Rapunzel, Hugo & Varian]

Flynn: So you're being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand.
Rapunzel: Sorry. [sigh] Just don't… don't freak out.
Varian: Yeah...don't freak out

Hugo: (whisper) *um, is he gonna be alright?*
Varian: *no worries you'll see the magic, and I hope you don't freak out to!*
Hugo: (////) *o-oh okay* (What is wrong with me??)

Then Rapunzel sing

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

[Pascal: Look at your hand]

Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

[Pascal: This is how it works.]

What once was mine...

Flynn: [gasps in horror]
Rapunzel: (Please) don't freak out!

[Flynn mouth wide open, Rapunzel: … please.]

Flynn: Arrrr. I'm-not-freaking-out-are-you-freaking-out-no-I'm-just-very-interested-in-your-hair-and-the-magical-qualities-that-it-posesses-how long has
it been doing that exactly?
Hugo: W-wha- H-how?

Rapunzel: Uh, forever, I guess.
Mother says when I was a baby, people tried to cut it. They wanted to take it for themselves. But, once it's cut, it turns brown and loses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That's why mother never let me… [sigh] That's why we never left the… hmm.

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