Two type's of Prison and Memories return

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Hugo and Varian made it where Eugene and Rapunzel headed

Eugene: Ah, there you are. Huh. I've been searching everywhere for you guys since we got separated.

Then Eugene pat's Hugo heads

Hugo: oh! Shut up Eugene

Then Rapunzel goes to Varian

Rapunzel: was you day with Hugo? Mhmm?

Rapunzel smirks, then Varian flustered red

Varian: (0/////0) W-what are you talking a-about Raps?
We're j-just talking and all a-and dance!
Then what about you Raps? How was your day with Eugene?

Rapunzel:(-////-) i-its was beautiful! The lanterns float and they're all like Stars. I mean can you imagine it little brother?

Varian: I know, right!

Then suddenly the Stabbingston brothers came to Eugene and Hugo.
Eugene saw this immediately

Eugene: Hey, the sideburns just coming in nice, huh?

Hugo: Gotta be excited about Hmm-mm.

Eugene: Anyhow, just wanted to say, we shouldn't have split, the crown is all yours, I'll miss ya, but I think it's for the...

Hugo: hehehe...

Eugene and Hugo turns away after throwing the satchel at the brothers but walks into one of them while the other stands up.

Stabbington: Holding out on us again, eh, Rider?

Eugene and Hugo: What?

Stabbingston: We heard you found something. Something much more valuable than a crown. We want them.

Rapunzel and Varian was standing patiently while talking by the gondola when they sees a shadow approaching from where Eugene and Hugo had disappeared too.

Rapunzel: Uh. We we're starting to think you ran of with the crown and left us

Varian: yeah we thought you left us

Then the shadow splits into two.

Stabbington: They did.

Rapunzel and Varian: What?
Rapunzel: No, he wouldn't.

Stabbingston: See for yourself.

Rapunzel and Varian looks away from the taller man and looks out over the water to see Eugene and Hugo on a yacht, sailing away.

Rapunzel and Varian: Eugene, Hugo. Eugene, Hugo!

Stabbingston: Fair trade, a crown for the girl with the magic hair, and a boy with mind of alchemy?

Rapunzel and Varian turns around in fear.
Rapunzel protect Varian behind her

Stabbingston: How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?

The other brother grabs a sack and prepares to catch Rapunzel and Varian in it, who runs away but Rapunzel hair gets caught on a branch and Varian saw and immediately help her unstuck.

As he struggles to free herself, a fight is heard from where the brothers were about to grab her.

Gothel: Rapunzel, Varian!

Rapunzel and Varian makes their way back to see Gothel holding a branch and the two brothers knocked out.

Gothel: Oh my precious. Are you alright? Are you hurt?

Rapunzel: Mother, how did you ...?
Varian: how did you find us...?

Gothel: I was so worried about you two dearest. So I followed you two. And I saw them attack you and - oh my, let's go. Let's go before they come too.

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