The Frying pan and The Alchemist Poisons

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Flynn: Well, I've got to say, didn't know you had that in you two back there. That was pretty impressive.
Hugo: I may say that's impressive

Varian: I know! I know.
Rapunzel: So, Flynn,Hugo where're you from?
Varian: oh yeah Hugo we're you and Flynn come from, anyways?

Flynn: Whoo-oo! Sorry, blondie,
Hugo: in another story time Goggles
Flynn: we don't do back-story. However we're becoming very interested in yours.
Hugo: Now I, we know we're not supposed to mention the hair, and the blue stripe

Rapunzel: Nope
Varian: Nah

Flynn: Or the mother.
Hugo: and the Tower.

Rapunzel: Ah, ah.
Varian: Nope

Flynn: Frankly I'm too scared to ask about the frog.
Hugo: and the rat

Rapunzel: Chameleon.
Varian: Racoon

Flynn: Nuance. Here's my question (though,)
Hugo: if you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you two gone before?
Flynn: Hey that's I'm trying to asking
Hugo: well you're not a fast thinker like me!

Rapunzel: Uh. Huh, well... uh, Flynn... Flynn...
Varian: Well. see Hugo...well Hugo...

Capt: Rider, Hugo!
Flynn and Hugo: Run!
[Flynn & Rapunzel, Hugo & Varian run, appearing at cliff at end of tunnel. St appear.]

Rapunzel and Varian: Who's that?
Flynn and Hugo: They don't like us

[Maximus appears.]
Rapunzel and Varian: Who's that?!
Flynn: Ok, Let's just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn't like us!
Hugo: Yep! Does guys doesn't like us

Rapunzel: Here!
[Rapunzel swings herself to nearby rock]
Varian: Go Raps!

Capt: I've waited a long time for this.
[Flynn smacks all guards with frying pan, and Hugo use Varian's Poisons (AKA the you know the purple goo in Tangled Series) to stick guards]
Flynn: Oh mama, I have got to get me one of these!
Hugo: Huh, not bad goggles

[Maximus draws sword]
Flynn: Ha!
[Maximus neighs, they duel]
Flynn: You should know that this is the strangest thing I've ever done!
Hugo: Huh, me neither Flynn!

[Maximus flicks frying pan out of Flynn's hands]
Flynn: How 'bout two out of three?
Hugo: or what about a duel vs solo?
Rapunzel: Flynn!
Varian: Hugo!
[Rapunzel wraps hair around Flynn's and Hugo's hand, pulls them, Maximus astonished]

Rapunzel: Flynn, look out!
Varian: Hugo, look out!

Flynn: Whoa, whoa...
Hugo: Whoa!

Rapunzel: Ngth!
Varian: Hang on!
[Stabbington miss Flynn and Hugo]
Flynn: Ha! You should see your faces because you look... [hits plank] ridiculous.
Hugo: Ohh, that gonna hurt
Flynn: i-im okay!

[Maximus hits plank on dam to get to Rapunzel and Varian]
Flynn: Come on, blondie.
Hugo: c'mon Goggles what are you too waiting for?
[Just before Maximus could catch them, Rapunzel and Varian reaches ground. Flynn & Rapunzel, Hugo and Varian escape to cave]

Rapunzel: [just before they were closed in the cave]
Varian: Aghhhhh!
Rapunzel: The cave was quickly filling with water from the dam.

[Flynn picks up frying pan. Flynn & Rapunzel, Hugo and Varian run to higher ground in cave. Flynn dives and surfaces several times]
Flynn: It's no use.
I can't see anything.
Hugo: What should we do!?

[Rapunzel & Varian dives, Flynn and Hugo pulls her up]
Flynn: Hey, there's no point.
Hugo: It's pitch-black down there.

Rapunzel: This is all my fault. She was right, I never should have done this.
Varian: Raps don't blame yourself for this.

[sobs] I'm so... I'm so sorry, Flynn. [sobs]
Flynn: Eugene.

Rapunzel: What?
Varian: What?
Hugo: What?
Flynn: My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.
Someone might as well know.
Rapunzel: Hmm.
Hugo: Wow! You didn't tell me that's your real name.
Flynn: Well. secret, is secret

Rapunzel and Varian: I have magic hair/Stripe that glows when I sing.
Flynn and Hugo: What?
Rapunzel and Varian: I have magic hair/Stripe that glows when I sing!

Rapunzel and Varian:Flower gleam and glow,
(Flower burn and shine)
let your power shine...
(Make your power mine...)

Flynn and Hugo: [underwater, as Rapunzel's and Varian's hair/ Stripe glows] Whoa!
[The hair and stripe arrow to a rock]

[Flynn & Rapunzel, Hugo and Varian swim to remove the rocks and they escape]

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