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Here is chapter 3 for you! Sorry it took so long, I'm busy with AP testing and online classes; all that crap. Bleh. I'll try to remember to upload chapter 4 tomorrow :) *No promises :P *

Anyway, VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, ADD TO LIBRARY! All the lovely stuff readers do :D

And for the pic, that there is Trevet xD



Three – Juri

Outside Again

I kicked my suitcase. “This is bull.” We had been ordered to pack our bags then had to wait all day for a car to come pick us up. Apparently this wasn’t expulsion; instead my twin and I were being transferred.

I asked Harry a bunch of questions but he refused to answer. That crap head. So here we were, in the middle of downtown in an abandoned alley waiting for who knows what as the sun started to set.

“Maybe we did go a bit too far on the prank this time,” Suri said, watching her hands that were folded in her lap.

I scoffed, “They were feathers. They won’t kill him.”

She shrugged. Suri was shyer, quieter, and more patient than I was. She was calmer, nicer, and easier to handle. If there was one major difference in our personality it would be that I was the more difficult one. And I liked it that way.

I wished I could watch out the window at something other than a spray-painted brick wall. I didn't know how long we’ve been waiting here, but it was much too long for my liking.

Finally the driver said, “Alright girls, you can get out now.” I immediately jumped out like the car had burst into flames. “Don’t forget your bags!” the driver called.

I snatched my suitcase and backpack filled with clothes and other important things, then slammed the door closed. The driver gestured for Suri and I to go farther into the alleyway.

He led us up to an old door made of rusting metal and I stepped inside cautiously, Suri following. Inside it looked like an abandoned warehouse, completely empty. I looked up and around at the high ceilings.

“Juri, Suri.” I snapped my gaze to see Harry smiling slightly at us. Behind him were two guys that looked around twenty. How had I not noticed them?

I stopped but Harry motioned us forward. I continued warily. “What’s going on Harry?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes at my use of his first name. “Juri, Suri, I would like you to meet Nathaniel and Trevet.”

Trevet stood closest to Harry. He had wood brown hair and hazel green eyes. He was of average height and well built. He smiled at us; he was handsome and looked nice.

Beside him was Nathaniel. Nathaniel looked nothing like Trevet—he looked evil and mean with his jet-black hair, piercing, electric blue eyes, and dark clothes; black skinny jeans, shirt and trench coat. He was pretty tall and definitely muscular. He was pale and from here I could also spot piercings in his eyebrow and ears. His eyes were hard and he didn't smile, just remained watching us.

“They’re you new mentors,” Harry said.

I looked wildly to Suri, who had her mouth hanging open, then back to Harry. “What?”

“You’ll no longer be attending Ariocra Academy. Instead Trevet and Nathaniel will be your personal teachers. They will help you master your Gifts and fighting techniques,” Harry explained.

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