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Mkay! Chapter six! This is the first chapter with Suri's POV and you get to learn a bit more about Suri and Juri's relationship :D It's a lot shorter than the others and I'm just gonna say that there probably won't be that many chapters of Suri's POV cuz this is mostly Juri's story since she's the wild one xP Pic on the side is an Earth Elite :)

Five chapters left :o I'm seriously still on the fence on whether to continue or not because right now I'm working on a HUGE project that i plan to upload after i get a few more chapters done and I also plan on actually finishing this one ;P I can hope xD I'll tell you when I uploaded the new story cuz i think it's a lot better than this one, personally ^.^

So go on and read! (Most of you probably dont even read this xP silly me)



sooo, yeah ^o^


Six – Suri

The Tale of Juri

I crashed onto the couch as soon as I saw it and sighed.

“Tired?” Trevet asked, amused slightly.

I nodded my head. Too much information and Blood Manipulation for me in one day. Oh, listen to me, I sound like Juri now. Not that we always don’t anyways . . .

“Would you like something?” he asked, heading for the kitchen. His house was nice; not too small, not too large, perfect for a teenage guy living alone.

“Mmm,” I thought over my choices carefully; wouldn’t want to choose the wrong thing now would I? “Just a Coke, thanks.”

He nodded and set a red can on the coffee table, his own in his hand as he sat in the comfy, leather recliner across from me. I sat up and popped open the Coke, taking a sip.

“So, you’re sister seems . . . nice,” Trevet said.

I choked and almost spit out my Coke. Coughing and laughing at the same time I looked up at his surprised expression and questioned, “Juri? Nice?”

He only nodded.

Finally catching my breath I said, “Well, she is nice—to me—but I would hate to get on her bad side.”

“Yeah, she did seem quite worked up about the weak thing with Nate.”

I snickered. “Trust me, that was not her bad side. Do you know why we were kicked out of Ariocra in the first place?”

He shook his head.

“Well, you see, there was this guy Preston who used to be our next door neighbor back when we were little. He had horses so Juri and I would go their all the time. We had a race one day and Preston cheated since he’s an Animal Elite and convinced our horses to stop as soon as we were in the lead. Well he moved right after that and we never saw him again until we were transferred to Ariocra. As soon as Juri saw him and recognized him she pulled a prank on him. She hasn’t stopped since. We were kicked out because we turned him into a pink chicken.”

Trevet raised an eyebrow, a slight smile on his lips. “Really? That’s her bad side?”

“Yup,” I said, popping the p. “Juri doesn’t always just lash out and then leave; she likes to go slow and torture over a long period of time. It just makes her bad side all the worse.” Talking about my twin had me missing her already.

“I’ll make sure not to get her upset then,” he said laughing.

I smiled. “Then you’ll have to be very careful, because a lot of things can get her upset.”

“Like what?”

I pursed my lips. “Well . . . for example if you make her wear anything pink she’ll start planning her revenge by making you wear a dress or something. She also hates frogs, and spiders, anything that comes from the ocean, dog-eared book pages, lipstick, lip gloss, or chap stick, pencils, any place that doesn’t have food in it, textbooks, chocolate doughnuts, flavored water, and if you make her blush she’ll rip your head off.”

He was quiet for a moment. “Wow.” I smiled and nodded; oh how I loved my sister and her weird preferences. “Pencils? Why does she hate pencils?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. She will never use a pencil when writing; only pens. She said it was something about pencils not being dark enough.”

He chuckled. “I guess I’ll make sure to take extra good care of you then.”

I furrowed my brows. What?

“She seems really protective of you,” he elaborated.

“Oh, yeah. She’s always been like that.”

“Why?” He cocked his head.

I thought it over carefully a moment. It was an interesting concept; why is your sibling so overprotective? Juri was always the tougher, rougher, ‘you touch us and I’ll break your arm’ twin.  I on the other hand, was gentler, calmer, and way more patient.

“We’ve always been this way,” I started, “even as infants. Our mother once told us that when we were being introduced to people outside of the family Juri would never let anyone touch me. She would scream, cry, throw things; anything to stop someone who started to reach for me.” I grinned, imagining how that’d look; Juri freaking out to keep me away from everyone else. “Throughout our whole lives she’d go out of her way to keep me safe, even if there was no real danger, or if the danger was centered on her herself.”

“Sounds like the most loving and caring sister I’ve ever heard of.”

I nodded, still smiling. “We were four when Juri and I were playing on our ranch. Our house lied on several acres of land and we were out by the back perimeter fence. We were running when I stepped on a rusty nail.” I winced in memory. “I cried out, just barely, and Juri was already at my side. She made me sit so she could look at my foot. We didn't know our Gifts yet so she couldn’t stop the bleeding when she pulled the nail out. After that she ripped up her shirt—her favorite, by the way—and tied a strip around my wound. Then she had me get on her back and she gave me a piggy-back ride all the way back to the house without stopping once. The entire time she was coaxing me to stop crying and it actually worked. When I refused to get my tetanus shot, Juri agreed to get one with me even though she didn't need one and was deathly afraid of needles like me.”

He gave a warm smile. “So you two complete each other,” he said, more of an observation than a question.

I nodded curtly. “Yep. She’s the fire and I’m the water; she protects me and I keep her calm when she gets riled up. I’m the only one who has ever been able to keep her cool.”

A leafy vine started crawling across the floor and I glanced around to see and the plants reaching for Trevet. He had millions of plants in his home; probably more than an actual forest. Flowers, vines, trees, ferns, anything that had plants cells was in this house and they all reacted when Trevet was near them.

The vine curled around his ankle and snake its way up the arm of the chair and around behind Trevet’s head, coming to rest on his shoulder. He petted the leaves absentmindedly. I, still being new to a mastered Plant Elite, was still stunned and amazed at the way he interacted with the vegetation.

Trevet smirked. “Well then, good luck to Nate since he’ll have to feel her wrath.”

I laughed.

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