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I'm soooooo soorrrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, i'm a horrible person. Sorry, sorry!

Actually, toooons of crap have been hitting me left and right (ew hehe) and I've been super busy with moving and AP and bleehhhh. Yeah, icky stuff. I didnt forget you guys though, seriously [I've also realized I've gained more fans even though I'm so despicable, so HOORAY to those awesome people, and the even awesomer people who've put up with me till now :D ]

Really, I wasn't planning on uploading this until I had my new novel under control (which I'm fighting major writer's block with while trying to figure out the plot >.<) so i could post this and that at the same time, buuuuuuuuttttttt due the constant pleading of my awesome fans, I'm uploading it now, and it's a cliffhanger, so I understand you'll virtually kill me a thousand times over if I don't finish Chapt. 11 soon and post it..... yeah.... I'LL TRY!

Anyway, sorry, and thanks, and sorry again!

I've decided to put up a pic of Cooper since I haven't yet and I randomly found it in my many o' folders :D ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




even though i know i dont deserve it D;



Ten – Nate

She’s Chasing a Fucking Duck

Her tiny arms constricted tighter around my waist as I pushed my Ninja faster. We flew down the streets, weaving expertly between cars and running red lights. A trail of honks and 'fuck you’s' followed behind us.

Yeah, well, they can kiss my ass.

I pulled up onto one of the streets that surrounded the park. The park was pretty big; it had hills, and lakes, and trees, and small hidden sections. It was kind of like its own little world. I figured it was big enough for Juri to run around all day so she’d be tired and not annoy the hell out of me when we got back home.

Yes, I thought of her more like a dog because she acted a bit like them. Those small, always hyper, yippy dogs.

She hopped off and pulled off her helmet then stared in awe at the massive space. “This. Is. Fucktastic.”

I rolled my eyes. Did she really deem it necessary to make up stupid words? The English language already had enough of those.

I snatched her helmet and set it beside mine before pointing to the back right corner and saying, “They’re meeting us over there.”

Her grin widened as we set off for that direction. Everyone we passed did a double take then stared after us. I could feel several gazes on me and I caught guys watching Juri with an assessing smirk.

I looked over Juri myself as I trailed behind her with my hands shoved in my pockets. Today she was wearing a white top with smoky black and purple flowers on it. The top half was tight and held up by spaghetti straps, and right below her chest it flowed out to stop at her upper thighs. Just beneath the top you could see the rolled up edge of her jeans mini shorts. Her feet were clad with all-black converse. Her red-streaked hair was pin-point straight and flowing freely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2011 ⏰

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