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Oh my goodness! Would you look at that? Another chapter!

Well, it's like three in the morning here . . . and I was supposed to go to bed like three hours ago, buuuutttt . . . that didnt exactly happen xD Oh well. I was gonna go to bed but I thought, "Ahh what the hell, I'll upload" and soooo that's how this chapter came to be copy&pasted onto this magical site dubbed Wattpad! Everyone lives happily ever after. The End.


Anyway! This is the part of the story where the main plot sets in and some-whats and so-forths hehe so yay! i guess . . (screw grammar right now, im tired bleh)

but i really like the next chapter which is in Nate's POV so since i love it so much ima upload it tomorrow maybe a bit after i get up so it ccan be enjoyed but more than just me and my friends! lmao

i write rly long A/Ns.. maybe i should stop that.. not that most of you probably even read this xD

so! read and VOTE and COMMENT and STUFF! (had to make sure everyone saw at least that part of this boring rambling xDD im rly just putting off sleep lol)

pic on the side is the next element! >>>> Water Elite! :D luv this pic hahaha and its a dude so not all my pics are girls lol

so go, go read! *makes shooing motions* ^o^


Seven – Juri

Suspicion is Overrated

The Ninja purred loudly, choked, then everything was quiet.

I got off the bike, Nate following me and we put our helmets on the seat before heading out of the tiny garage and closing the door. Nate locked it and then moved to the back door that led up to his apartment.

I looked up at the now black sky and saw white pinpoints of stars in other galaxies. The drive home had taken longer with the ‘party people’ traffic; going to nightclubs, bars, pool houses, casinos, all the mystical places where people always end up drunk and choking on cigarette smoke.

“Shit,” Nate muttered.

I looked back down to him and saw him trying to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. “What’s wrong?” Other than the obvious . . .

“Cooper must’ve bolt-locked the door from inside.”

I frowned. Why would he do that?

“Come on,” he said, sighing, “We’re going to have to go through the bar.” He grabbed my elbow and started pulling me back out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk. “Don’t look anyone in the eye,” he hissed.

Just then a group of Elites walked out of Cratik. They looked like they were going to head the opposite way than us but one caught us and smiled. I could feel Nate tense but he kept walking me towards the door.

“Ah, Nathaniel,” he said when we came to a stop in front of them. The guy looked to be around Nate’s age . . . whatever age that was—I’d have to ask him later. He had copper colored hair and chrome eyes. I instantly recognized him as a Metal Bender; the one from McDonalds yesterday to be exact.

“Seems like I’ve forgotten your name,” Nate said with a bored tone.

The Metal Bender smirked. “Lucas.”


The men behind Lucas, four in total, all seemed to have the same hard-edged quality and mist of darkness about them.

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