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Mkay, so, I uploaded . . . after a long time, but it was because of DancinInTheRain, since she wanted the next chapter, so here you go :D Also thank you very much for becoming a fan and stuff! xD Also a big thanks to LetsMakeOut for becoming a fan a little while ago! ^o^

I'm sorry to say--to anyone who actually reads & likes this story--that I have stopped writing on it from quite some time ago. I think I have about, idk, 11 chapters in whole but I'm no good at the whole 'keep with one story' thing :( Yeah, I know, I suck. Bleh.

If you guys wat me to post what I actually have, just tell me and I will, and maybe, just maybe, I'll feel like continuing it--but no promises. Anyway, I have so many unfinished stories I wonder if I should just post them all in one thing, lol.

So vote, comment, fan, and stuff. Maybe it'll make me so happy that I'll keep writing it :D

Btw, this is Nate's POV and Nate has a pretty dirty mouth xD Just sayin' if you don't like to read that kind of stuff, then be warned ^.^


Four – Nathaniel

Weird Girl

“Wake up! Wake up! It’s time to shop!”

I groaned as Juri jumped on the end of the bed trying to wake me. Why was this stupid girl waking me up so fucking early? I ignored her as best I could.

She shook my shoulder hard, still bouncing. “Nate,” she whined, surprising my with me nickname, “come on, wake up!”

“How the hell did you get in here?” I asked, my eyes still closed and my back to her. “I locked my door last night.”

She snickered and slid off my bed. I thought she was finally leaving me alone but a second later I felt my pillow being ripped out from under my head and pressed down on my face.

I growled and sat up, shoving her away and yanking my pillow from her hands in the same motion. She fell back on her ass but looked up at me smiling.

“Oh good, you’re awake,” she said cheerily.

I glared at her before flopping back down and closing my eyes again. “No I’m not, so get out.”

She grabbed my wrist trying to pull me out of bed. “Wake up. Please,” she pleaded.

I sighed. She’d never leave me alone until I took her downtown. “I will if you get the hell out.”


“Sure, whatever.”

I felt her doing something to my hand and I peeked my eyes open to see her pinky wrapped around mine. Seriously? Pinky promise? Wow.

“Don’t go back to sleep!” she said as she skipped out of my room, swinging the door closed.

I thought about doing exactly that but I knew if I did she’d be right back in here, annoying the hell out of me.

“Damn girl,” I grumbled as I pulled myself from the comfort of my mattress. I was about to walk out when something on my nightstand caught my eye.

I picked up the bobby-pin and studied it curiously. That little lock-picker. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room where I found Juri digging in her suitcase. I pegged her in the back of her head with the bobby-pin.

She glanced at it then grinned at me.

I glared. “You ever pick your way into my room again, I’ll kill you.”

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