Simon's Solution

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Fionna, Cake and I were beginning to pick up the pace to a short cut through what Prismo described as the core. Simon, however, was moving slow as molasses.

After a small slip up on the stairs, Fionna changing into shorts, and seeing Simon's bare ass yet again, we were in a labyrinth like tomb. We were trying to follow Prismo's split self to an exit, being chased by a god auditor named The Scarab.

"I don't care..." Simon groaned after Prismo stated how he wouldn't want to be caught by The Scarab.

"I mean, you show me all my messed up past-"

"Yeah... that was pretty donked up." I say quietly.

"-and expect me to just shrug it off like it's no big deal. 'Just move forward Simon...' well maybe I don't want to move forward! Maybe I just want to sit right here." He finishes, lifting his muumuu slightly to sit cross legged on the floor.

I furrow my brows and slant my lips slightly, "Simon. Be so serious right now."

"Ugh, this guy." Prismo rolls his eyes but, none the less, creates a moving isle on the floor to keep us all moving.

I stumble backward a bit and knock slightly into Simon.

"I'm sorry." I say down to him, watching him cross his arms and rest the bottom half of his face into his sleeves.

I couldn't tell what to do really. He was clearly really hurting and I didn't know whether he liked me or not. One second he's having a beer with me, the next he's being a wad. Fionna and Cake seemed to like me though, I think. Not that it matters, but it was nice to be around others again. Even if the situation wasn't ideal. I felt like my wish, their world... I finally had a purpose.

We begin to approach what I assume is the core, loud banging can be heard throughout the room. It was a bright white, two beings above us hitting each other and creating beautiful sparks. Colorful amongst the sterile feel of the walls around us.

"Wow..." Fionna exclaims in awe.

I look down to Simon again before finally deciding to sit with him, hoping to bring his spirits up somewhat.

"You can't tell me this isn't beautiful." I say softly while still looking up at all the wonderful hues.

Simon said nothing but I did feel his eyes on me, we then made eye contact for a split second and I could've sworn, I saw half a smile.

"What the heck are those things?!" Fionna asks.

I kind of tune out Prismo explaining everything, but I do pick up on the multiverse, the time core and how far away Fionna and Cake's universe is from the rest of ours. It was easy to just focus on how brilliant the sparks were. For a brief moment I was actually feeling some relief.

That is until we get to a ton of sets of stairs. After what felt like forever, we were finally brought into an "exit" room. A split Prismo already waiting for us. In the center of the room there looked to be a similar set up to Simon's previous ritual.

"I... thought we were going to use my wish?" I ask, noticing what Prismo was expecting of Simon.

"That should really be our last resort-"

"Prismo! Where's the exit?!" Fionna shouts.

"It's been cool hanging out but, you gotta go back now." He states as a matter of factly.

"What?!" Cake and Fionna ask in shock. They were expecting to go back to Ooo. Not back into Simon's head.

"That's not fair to them." I say to Prismo. To which he ignores.

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