The Candy Queen

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We had all gone our separate ways. Simon followed the Winter King into the lab, Fionna was training with the ice scouts, and Cake was skating around outside, messing with the frozen body of the Scarab.

I decided to help myself to a little tour of the castle, when I suddenly notice a young girl made of ice, stowed away in an open bedroom, hidden by nothing but swirls of ice. She was strumming a large bass... axe? Bass... she had pointy ears, adorable little fangs, and a super cute, yet messy, bob haircut.

I put my hands around the swirly icy bars before putting my face between them to peer in. I smile at her, but she looks up at me startled. She tucks away behind her instrument and I couldn't help but frown.

"No, no. I didn't mean to scare you... I just-"

"Dad doesn't want me talking to strangers..." she mutters in a soft squeak.


I let go of the bars and lean my back against them instead, looking over my shoulder to ask,

"If I don't look at you, would you play me a song? I'll sing along with you if you'd like..." I say warmly to her.

For a moment it's very quiet, but soon enough, I hear her rhythm. I smile at this and begin to think of what to sing... something heartfelt? Angry? Sad? Without much thought, I began to sing,

"I'm scared, it feels like you don't care. Enlighten me my dear. Why am I still here? I don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you've made... but why?

In the back of my mind you died, and I didn't even cry. No, not a single tear. And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive.


In the back of my mind, I killed you. And I didn't even regret it. I can't believe I said it. But it's not new... I hate you."

I finished, a tear rolling down my cheek. So, I guess I chose sadness. I had almost forgotten the young girl I was singing with but then I suddenly feel her icy, tiny hands on my back, gripping onto the bars she was encased behind.

"That was awesome!" She exclaimed with excitement.

I wipe my tear and chuckle, turning to her.

"You're awesome. What's your name?" I ask.

"Marceline. Who are you? Are you a friend of my dads?"

I sigh heavily, assuming she was Winter King's handmade daughter.

"Something like that I guess. Are you... okay in there? Here?"

Marceline nods with a fervent smile.

"I love it here! I've got all my toys," she says, running to a toy box to show me some of her favorites.

I smile warmly at her. The poor girl probably didn't know any better, but whatever was going on was... unethical. To put it lightly.

"And this is my hambo!" She says, shoving a stuffed animal in my face.

"That's lovely Marceline." I laugh, putting my hand on hambo gently to block it from poking me in the eye.

Suddenly I hear a loud commotion coming from where I assume Simon and the Winter King had been.

Marceline looked stricken with worry, but I assured her to stay put and that I would go take a look for her dad, to make sure he was okay.

I followed a loud cackling laugh, only to come across Winter King and Simon being kidnapped by some crazy pink lady with candy all gunked into her hair.

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