Cat Nap

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We had just narrowly escaped the scarab, our butts landing on a soft, plushy quilt. We were surrounded by clouds, rainbows and... babies?

There was a little Finn, little Fionna, little Cake and of course, a little Ice King.

Simon pondered at the little guy for a brief moment before removing his tiny crown from his baby head. He squeezed it gently causing it to squeak.

"This one's not gonna work either." Simon pouted.

I look over to Cake who has babies piling up in her arms. I couldn't blame her. They were so cute.

Fionna stands and crosses her arms, visibly upset and walking away before plopping into a baby bouncer. It looked very comfortable, to be fair.

Cake shifted herself into a baby stroller to carry all the babies she was holding onto over to wear Fionna had parked herself. Simon and I each took one side of the 'handle bar' and pushed it over to the blonde bunny girl. Cake then assumed her usual form and the babies, now free, crawled around at our feet.

"What's wrong, Fi?" Cake asks.

Fiona sighs heavily, "back there I thought I was living my dream. But I was just hurting a bunch of innocent candy people. Have I been hurting people in all these universes?"

I kneel myself down to her, putting my hand on her shoulder and looking her dead in the eyes.

"That place was messed up because that Simon was messed up." I say before looking over my shoulder to my Simon.

"No offense." I comment.

He simply shrugs with a smile on his face.

"Maeve's right. The next world will have a magic crown that will work. And I'll be cursed the right way." Simon says, also kneeling down beside me to comfort our friend.

He puts out a fist for her to bump and I watch as their knuckles meet.

"Amazing." I say while standing up.

"We should probably get some rest though." I state, picking up some pillows and blankets from the ground as I scavenged around. This place was filled to the brim with baby stuff. Perfect for,

"Naps anyone?" I ask.

"Hell yeah!" Fionna jumps up, grabbing a pillow and blanket from me.

We all lay in our respective, chosen spaces, all cozied up and within seconds, the young adult and her cat are fast asleep. Leaving Simon and I once again awake by ourselves.

We laid side by side, our arms touching with our close proximity. I gently put my hand on top of his and feel my cheeks go warm.

I look over to Simon to find he'd already been staring at me, a soft smile playing at his lips.

"Thanks for helping with Fionna a second ago." I chuckle slightly.

"It's no problem. Maeve, can I ask you something?" Simon's expression quickly changes so I removed my hand from his.

However, he reached back for my fingers and held my hand in place. I bet I'm beat red right now. I gotta play it cool.

"Any-anything." My voice cracks as if I'd just hit puberty.

"You said a name back in the winter kingdom. Marceline... who- who were you talking about?"

Right... poor Marceline.

I tuck some hair behind my ear with my free hand and exhaled sharply.

"This is gonna sound crazy but, Winter King had like... an ice daughter? She was this cute girl with pointy ears who played the bass. She was very sweet. When the ice scouts melted though, I... I can only assume that-"

"That... dillweed." I hear Simon whisper.

It's silent for a moment, the air loomed of sadness. This little girl had somehow struck a chord within Simon. I didn't mean to bring up such a painful feeling for him, but that's the only way I could describe it, pained.

"You know who she is, don't you?" I tighten my grip on his hands gently, to ensure this was a safe place for him to share. I cared about his feelings after all.

"I... sort of raised her as my own. Only my version of Marceline isn't made of ice," he chuckled, "she's a great vampire hunter. Just the sweetest girl. I'm lucky for her."

"I hope I get the chance to meet her." I say with a soft smile.

"Me too." Simon smiles back.

I let out a large yawn, my eyelids suddenly heavy and the warmth of Simon's hand strikingly comforting. I was beginning to drift off.

"We should probably get to sleep..." Simon says, turning to face me before pushing some hair from my eyes.

I inch a little closer to him as he does this and nuzzle my head to his chest. That's how we fell asleep, cuddling slightly, facing each other and still holding hands.

We wake up, however, to Fionna shaking us.

"We should go. Before the scarab has a chance to catch up." She says as a matter of fact.

"Point taken." I say, sitting up with a large stretch.

It's at this point that Fionna notices our hands collapsed in one another's.

She points to our hands with a blush and a giggle. Similar to her giggle upon meeting the Winter King.

I pull my hand away quickly, Simon slow to react and slow to get up at all, lifting his glasses to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Alright. Is everybody ready?" Cake asks boldly.

I then take hold of Fionna's hand, as well as Simon's, Cake then holding onto their free hands respectively, before we are transported to yet another world.

It look cold, desolate, apocalyptic. I could see my breath if I opened my mouth enough and the sun just simply vanished. It wasn't anywhere to be found and human remains flooded the streets.

What is this place?

((Shorter chapter, sorry! Needed some filler to try  and avoid potholes, as well as deciding to, before tackling the star, write out an iiiiiiitty bitty bit of fluff!))

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