The Soldier, Bonnie

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After what Simon referred to as the best naps of our lives, his pocket began smoking. Fionna pointed this out before walking even further into this new, desolate world we were inhabiting.

Simon squealed and pulled the now steaming hot remote from his pocket, trying to blow the sparks away.

"Fionna?" I ask, following the girl as she sounded saddened.

Cake stood in front of me quickly though, telling me she'd go talk to her. So, as was always the case, Simon and I followed behind them quietly.

"So, what's wrong with the remote?" I ask him.

He muddles around with it a bit before answering, "I think we're running out of jumps."

I look at him with a slight expression of worry, but he assures me, "it'll be okay, we'll figure this out. Together."

We smile faintly at each other for a moment before he runs up to Fionna and Cake.

"Bad news, gang, the jewels magic is depleting. It might only be good for one more crown dimension jump. So we gotta make this world count." He tells the girls.

"We should go now." Fionna states, looking off and above us into the distance.

We turn around to see three eerily grey creatures perched on top of a tall building.

"S-Simon..." I stutter.

He puts his arm out in front of me, slowly backing us up as a group before the creatures charge and try to attack us, their teeth sharp and pale.

"Vampires! Run!" Simon shouts, grabbing onto my hand tightly and dragging me along with him behind a car.

Fionna follows but, Cake stays behind to fight, stretching her arms into three to punch them all out.

Fionna was practically frozen, but Simon told us we needed to make some stakes, so I followed him closely, noticing Fionna grab a strip of plywood to make hers.

"Fionna! Look out!" I shout, noticing one of the vampires had escaped Cakes grasp.

I was about to run after her, but Simon held me back.

"This may sound crazy but, I can't let something happen to you." He says, confidently running toward the predator with his newly fashioned stake.

Before he could impale Fionna's attacker however, Cake's head grew largely in size, and with that, so did her razor sharp teeth.

She bit the heads off of the vampires with a vast speed, burping out loudly afterward.

"That was awesome." Cake shouted with excitement.

I crawled out from behind the car and went to help Fionna up off the ground.

"Girl, are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"I almost got ate! This world is scary." She says, her voice audibly shaken.

"It reminds me of the wastelands of Ooo, before Marceline took on the vampires there." Simon speaks, looking down at the ground in confusion almost.

Suddenly, more vampires fell down into the streets, hissing loudly at us.

"Oh hell no." I growl, readying my stake.

"Maeve!" Simon shouts for me as I charge at these stupid monsters.

Cake follows in suit, tens of stakes forming from her paws.

But just as we approach the gang of blood suckers, we're sprayed heavily with water.

I fall backwards onto my ass from the water pressure, but miraculously, all the vampires had evaporated.

"Cake!" Fionna cries in concern.

Simon and Fionna approach us, Simon taking my hand in his and helping me up.

"You're soaked." He mutters, pushing my wet hair from my eyes.

I hold his hand to my face for a moment, the warmth from his skin feeling great because now I was freezing cold.

"What even was that?" I respond to him.

He smiles at me before taking my hand, specifically my pointer finger, and licking the tip of it.

I blushed like mad, my cold body now suddenly warming up.

"Holy water." He states as a matter of factly.

Out from the smokey residue of the vampires comes a large peppermint swirled tank, a weapon launching from the front of it to face us. Just then, a little man's voice spoke, asking us to show him our teeth.

We all smile our pearly whites widely as the voice replies back to someone,

"No vamps, just dum-dums, ma'am."

That's when the door to the tank lodges open, an all pink woman walking out from the platform in what looked to be a combat uniform and a gas mask. She looked rugged, her body language tired.

She approached us slowly before speaking,

"You left yourselves vulnerable out there." She says while removing the gas mask.

The face reveal was astonishing to me. This was a version of the candy queen, or 'bubblegum' as Simon called her, that we had met a couple dimensions ago. Only this time her hair was cut short and she was adorned with an eyepatch.

"Buncha death wishers." She growls.

"Princess Bubblegum, thanks for saving-" I say with a slight bow, getting interrupted.

She comes even closer to us, assessing us all before approaching Cake directly.

"Strange cat mutant," she ignores me, "I saw how you chomped those vamp heads. Impressive." She finishes, kneeling down to be eye level with Cake.

"Oh, that? Easy greasy baby." Cake flaunts.

"Rude..." I whisper under my breath, crossing my sopping wet clothed arms.

"My names Cake." The cat introduces herself, shaking bubblegums hand.

"Bonnie," bubblegum introduces herself as, "my team is on an urgent mission. I could really use your murder skills." Bonnie says with a slight hint of excitement.

"Sorry, lady, but I got my own mission to think about." Cake says, rubbing the back of her neck in discomfort.

"We're looking for a magic crown," Fionna interjects, "maybe you've seen it?" She asks Bonnie.

"Seems our interests coincide after all." Bonnie states after some thinking.

"The vampire king has the crown."

"Excuse me, vampire... king?" I ask the pink soldier.

"He uses it to summon clouds and keep the sky perpetually dark. And vampire friendly... I'm gonna slay him or die trying." Bonnie expresses with ferocity.

"Now that is a party I don't wanna miss!" Cake exclaims, her paws once again becoming stakes.

"When you're done with that, we can get the crown?" Fionna asks wearily.

"Sure," Bonnie says while whipping out her gun from her side, "let's get off the street, blood bags." She commands as we follow her into the tank.

"Simon..." I whisper as we walk to the vehicle.

"Yes, Maeve?" He whispers back.

"I'm honestly scared. Those vampires were one thing but a king?!"

Simon links his arm behind my back and around my waist, gliding with me so we don't stumble.

"You've amazed me in every dimension we've encountered. You've made it this far and you're exceptional at thinking on your feet. Everything will be fine, and we'll all make sure to leave here in one piece."

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