Not My Marcy

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We'd settled into the tank, comfortably sitting at a dining table in the center of the room.

Bonnie introduced us to her team before discussing our plan to infiltrate the Vampire Kings lair. She mentioned vampire minions being lower level threats, and told us the one we really had to look out for was someone named "The Star." Huntress, the marksman of Bonnie's team, explained The Star's vicious tendencies, trained by and the ward of the Vampire King.

A chill ran up my spine. Yes, sure, I was previously living through an apocalypse with oozing monster zombies, but, for the most part, if I'd stay hidden they never bothered me much. Vampires... well, that's a totally different story.

Simon rubbed my back gently and sent me a crooked smile. He knew I was worried and I appreciated his comfort.

"Get your beans and cabbage!" Martin, the self proclaimed soup expert says, slamming the pot of hot food onto the table in front of us.

Fionna and Cake excitedly awaited their food while I just stared blankly into the bowl and pushed the cabbage around with my spoon.

Suddenly, Fionna's bag started wiggling, soft squeaks coming from behind the zipper.

I poked the backpack slightly and felt what I assumed to be an arm, causing me to jump back slightly into Simon. I blush profusely and softly apologize.

Fionna pulls her backpack from her shoulders and opens it up to reveal... baby Finn?

"Ohhhh this is bad." I interject.

"How could you bring a child into this world?" Bonnie growls, placing her palms on the table.

"It was an accident, he must've crawled in during nap time." Fionna expresses worriedly.

"Hey, accidents happen." I reassure her.

Cake sneaks her arms around to pick baby Finn up, giving his baby scent a quick whiff before offering Bonnie a smell.

Bonnie walks away from us without a word while Martin feeds Finn a ladle full of beans.

I giggle softly, "he's so cute."

I gush slightly as Martin plays with Finn.

I can feel Simon's eyes on me, but I don't look away from the cuteness displayed in front of me.

"I could use your guys' help making more stake arrows." Huntress chimes in, looking to Simon and I.

Fionna and Cake sort of followed Bonnie around, enjoying learning about all the technology her tank had to offer. They also kept asking her questions about vampires, which I of course, could easily avoid right about now. Martin? Well he was just enthralled with baby Finn.

"I'll cut the feathers." Simon says with a smile, ready to tackle anything to help.

"I could... carve them!" I say happily in response.

Huntress smiles at us both, laying the supplies on the table, but for some reason still sitting far across from Simon and I.

"I can't wait to get out of this place. It's probably the worst world yet." I sigh quietly.

"I wonder what happened to Marcy in this universe. If she wasn't hunting the vampires... where did she go?" Simon asks himself, furrowing his brows.

"I'm sure we'll stumble upon her somewhere. Maybe Bonnie knows where she is." I smile warmly at him and place a hand on his thigh for some reassurance.

Simon's face goes red. He brushes the top of my hand softly with his thumb, staring down at our hands as if deep in thought.

"Simon?" I ask, slightly worried.

"Maeve, I- I'm beginning to... well... I think very highly of you. You've helped me not think so hard about, well, everything." He says quietly.

"Everything being... Betty?" I mutter, pulling my hand away gently, to not cause any alarm.

Our light flirting, the genuine care for each other, the soft touches we shared and the heat in our faces we exchange, all of it felt somewhat... wrong at the mere thought or mention of her name. Betty. I wouldn't say I felt jealousy, mostly, I felt guilt. She sacrificed her entire being for this man and here I was overcomplicating that.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Simon deadpans.

"Y-you- how could that upset me?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He responds, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"I'm notoriously bad at reading the room." Simon chuckles.

"It's okay, that's why I'm your friend." I wink back at him, giving him a gentle nudge of mt elbow.

Friend? Friend?! I internally want to die, why couldn't I just be honest about how I felt? Was it the guilt or nerves? Both? Oh glob I could throw up.

"Friend. Yes, of course. Right you are! I- I need more feathers." He says, getting up to sit next to Huntress.

"But there's a whole... pile... never mind." I say with slight defeat.

Suddenly the tank slows, Fionna desperate to help a couple of lost humans. Bonnie protests this idea but Fionna wasn't taking no for an answer, opening the tank door and rolling out onto the ground despite the vehicle moving.

"Dillweed!" Bonnie shouts out to her.

I put my face into my palm, groaning at Fionna's yet again, quick reaction. The girl doesn't think.

Martin, however, also saw the benefit of helping them out, too. Reluctantly, Bonnie quiets her disagreement as Martin joins my young friend.

"Tank, hault!" Bonnie grunts with acceptance.

Huntress pops open from the top hatch to keep an eye on the two teammates as they make their way to help these desperate people.

"Teeth, teeth!" Martin shouts as I peak my head out from the door they had just walked out from.

I was hesitant to approach, but none the less, stepped out onto the dirt road to watch from afar. Simon stayed in the tank with Bonnie, Cake and baby Finn.

Their teeth, albeit some missing, looked human enough. However, Huntress must've spotted something amiss and shot a clove of garlic at the couple.

Their human head falls to the ground to reveal a vampire.

"Fionna!" I shout, about to make a run for her.

"If you want to live get back into the tank!" Bonnie shouts at me.

Torn between what to do, I trust her instinct and run back into the vehicle.

However, as soon as the tank backs up. We are slammed with a trap. The entire tank flies forward and rolls, causing us all to whip around.

"Well... so much for that." I huff, blowing my hair out of my face.

We each climb out the door to see Fionna and Martin, safe, but... we were now down a tank.

Simon carried baby Finn out with us and just stared blankly ahead at the scene.

"What do we do now?" I ask in disbelief.

When suddenly, there's shrill, yet beautiful laughter puncturing the sky.

We all look up to see...

"Did you like my welcome?" The vampire girl asks in a condescending tone, flipping her short hair gracefully.

"It's the Star!" Bonnie shouts, Huntress preparing her weapon.

"No, that's..." I start.

"Marceline." Simon and I mutter at the same time, earning a distressed look from Bonnie.

This Marcy wasn't the one I had met, nor did she seem like the one Simon had described... she seemed... cold, dangerous... possibly even a little bit deranged.

That was not my Marcy.

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