The Destiny Gang

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After Fionna had napped and Cake brought her a dead rat for dinner, Simon suggested we look for the nearest library, to help us search for this universes magic crown. Simon had swapped out his muumuu for a suit adorned onto a scarecrow, and then we headed out to find the nearest town. Fionna and Cake walked ahead of us, my slow pacing due to disappointment. One, for having to return to my world eventually when it's something I'd like to avoid and two, Simon choosing to go bananas again after his ex, Betty, had sacrificed herself for his sanity. It didn't seem right. It wasn't my place though, either.

"You're quiet." Simon says with a soft smile.

"Oh... yeah. Just... thinking." I chuckle, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"What was your world like?" He asks, genuinely curious.

"Fine. I mean... until the war and apocalypse. I had a life. Some family. A boyfriend." Some disdain spilled onto my voice as I finished my sentence. Why would I even bring up that jerk?

"Boyfriend, huh? You don't sound so confident about that." He says, blankly staring ahead at the two girls in front of us.

"Well... I did sort of everything for him. It cost me my friendships, my sister stopped talking to me... I was isolated. I think he liked it that way. Then, when the bomb hit, we somehow survived and yet... he abandoned me afterwards. All alone.. So, I've just been keeping it that way. Then, I woke up in the time room."

It was silent. I don't think he knew what to say.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure why I shared so much. I guess seeing your past and all that gunked up stuff, it only felt right to share mine with you, too." I mumble, barely audible now.

"What an ass! I mean... who does that?!" Simon says, extending his arms ahead of himself in exaggeration.

"I'm so sorry, Maeve."

"No, no. It's alright. I think it's a good learning point for me. Or, it will be. I think." I smile over at him, and we hold eye contact for a brief moment.

It was nice to tell someone all of that. Most of it at least.

"Okay, this is really starting to smell." Fionna noticed, looking at her rat blood soaked shirt.

Cake almost seemed offended that Fionna didn't like her offering, but none the less, held her back pack for her so she could strip down to just her sports bra.

"Any excuse to be more naked." Cake chuckles.

"Don't make it weird." Fionna laughs back.

Simon looked back at me, as if wanting to continue conversation, but I couldn't help it,

"Aren't they adorable? I mean I know I'm probably only about 10 years older than Fionna, but, she kind of reminds me of a kid. Still trying to figure it out, you know? A whole life ahead of her in her... well, your head." I giggle a bit.

"I'm just surprised they're real. She seems a little different than what I remember, but, they are pretty adorable." He laughs in response.

"Looks like we're going the right way..." Simon points out, gesturing toward an upcoming city.

Fionna shields her eyes from the sun to see what Simon had been referring to, before excitedly exclaiming,

"Oh sweet! Road loot!" And wandering away from us at an even faster speed than before.

She began digging through abandoned cars and trash cans, Cake following suit.

She had found herself some pretty cool goodies, even found us a matching pair of brown combat boots. I struggled to walk and get them on at the same time, replacing my old sneakers.

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