Finn the Human

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Simon expected the man we were about to meet to be this worlds version of him, but as we approached Jay's dad chopping wood with a device from his arm, his build honestly looked nothing close to Simon's.

"Dad!" Jay shouts, garnering his dads attention.

His dad stops quickly, removing the hat on top of his head and wiping away the sweat before glancing over to us. He looked me up and down and I blushed profusely. He was fine as hell. He wore another hat over his head though, similar to Fionna's

"Dang, apocalypse Simon is rugged." Fionna says to Simon and I.

"No that's Finn. Apocalypse you!" Simon says to Fionna.

That made a whole lot more sense.

"You brought outsiders..." Finn says lowly, turning back to his wood.

"Don't be mad. I know I'm not supposed to bring anyone home but... they were in trouble." Jay replies.

"This is Fionna, Simon, Maeve and Cake."

"Hello handsome!" Cake exclaims, stretching her hand out to shake his.

Finn looks at her hand and furrows his brows. He doesn't touch her but gives her a simple nod, calling her magic cat.

"I don't truck with magic, you know that." He sighs, putting his hat back on.

"She's okay, pop, peanut was gonna eat her! He swore he would." Jay says with a worried tone.

"So that's the little turds name." I mutter quietly.

Everyone looks at me briefly before continuing.

Finn comes over to Jay, kneeling down to his eye level and resting a hand on his shoulder. He seemed irritated but none the less calm.

"I don't like you mixing it up with the Destiny Gang. It's not our way."

Jay looks back and forth between us and his dad before breathing out, "yes, dad..." in defeat.

"Math." Finn says before glancing back up at us, "y'all can stay here tonight."

He stands and leads us into their home, telling his other kids to set the table for four more. All his kids got up right away except for a cute little girl on the floor.

"You, too, Bonnie."

"But I'm scratching Jake!" She protests.

"No buts." Finn states, heading to the stove top to fix up some soup.

We all kind of just stand in the doorway, unsure of how to approach. He was very cold yet warm at the same time. I twiddled with my fingers a bit, nervous, before feeling Simons hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and smile, putting my hand atop his for a small moment before we pull them away.

"Don't dither in the doorway. Sit down." Finn says as his once axe arm rotates into that of a spoon.

He added gum to the soup. Gum. To the soup.

We all head inside toward the dinner table and take a seat. I am between Simon and Fionna, Simon on a chair at the end of the table while the rest of us sit along the wall on a bench.

One of the kids is confused by Cake sitting at the table, telling Finn. He responds to his son that the cat is also a guest, before Bonnie and Cake share hellos. This shocks Bonnie that Cake had responded.

"It can talk!"

Jay goes on to explain to his siblings that Cake's magic is why we'd been chased by the Destiny Gang. His brother thought this was cool, but Bonnie was worried that the Destiny Gang would come looking for us there. Finn said he'd slay them if he had to.

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