The Crater

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I wrapped myself tightly in Simon's suit coat, the air getting a bit colder than when in the hayloft.

Jay lead, while Fionna and Cake were ahead of both Simon and I, yet again.

It was silent between the two of us. I wasn't sure why, but I was sure that I didn't want it to be.

"You're very sweet, Simon." I speak softly.

I look over to see him blushing.

"It's just my jacket." He laughs.

It was definitely way more than just the jacket. What a dingus.

I notice us approaching a large crater, Jay telling all of us that we're almost there as we approach it's edge.

Jay slides down the walls of the crater and we all follow suit, me landing funny on my ankle.

"Ow." I whisper, giving it a rub.

"This is the spot." Jay says in almost a whisper.

"Be quiet when you dig around for the crown, okay?"

"I don't even know where to begin." Simon states with a stressed tone.

"Hey, Simon! What does it smell like? I can sniff it out with my cat senses." Cake suggests, her nose growing in size.

"Huh... I guess I kinda associate it with the smell of freshly cut grass?" Simon says as if almost asking himself. I don't know that he's ever had to think of it before.

"Grass! Grass. Grass. Grass." Cake repeats to herself as she begins to sniff around.

"Work that thang!" Fionna encourages.

Very quickly Cake exclaims that she thinks she's found something. Jay suggests we go check it out while he goes to keep a look out.

We follow Cake to where her nose is saying the crown is, which just so happens to be underneath a large sheet of metal.

"Alright, stand back." I breathe, prepping to lift with my legs in a squatting position.

I begin to pry it up with a struggle as Simon rushes up behind me, placing one hand on the small of my back while he uses his other arm to help me.

I chuckle and give him a, "thanks."

He smiles back and blushes, "yes."

What a goofy nerd.

We all then look down and notice a completely obliterated crown.

"Aw, what the nuts?!" I whine.

"That's not fair." Cake shouts.

"Looks like the crown was annihilated with some very powerful magic. Or something even worse." Simon sighs, taking some of its pieces into his hands.

"Oh, man." Fionna's voice shakes.

"We'll have to try another universe." Simon speaks, pulling out Prismo's remote.

"Give it here!" Cake says, trying to pry it from Simon's hands.

"Let's think about this!" Simon exclaims, pulling it away from the cat before it dropping on the ground. Fionna picks it up.

"What is there to think about, Simon?" I ask with some disappointment in my voice.

"There's squat for us here." Fionna remarks, crossing her arms and glancing over at Jay.

That's when she noticed something. Or should I say, someone.

"Crap, it's that evil mullet kid! Jay! Behind you!" Fionna shouts.

But it's just then that we notice Jay and Little Destiny share a warm smile and a kiss.

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