Chapter 5 Well its over I blew my cover

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I woke up the next day with Reagan on my belly purring and sleeping. I smiled and slid out from under him. It was 8:00 witch means I have to get to work in 1 hour. I got dressed and got ready for work. I always walk to work. When I got there I said hi to Danny and Clara. They are the other two waitresses. They are really cool.

5 hours later

"My feet are killing me." I said leaning on the counter in the back.

"Yeah well there are new people at table 2 go go go girl." She said pushing me out the door. I put on my best fake smile and walked over to table two.

"Hi my name is Kayla and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I asked as they didn't even take their heads out of their menu's. Ugghh rude.

"Yeah can I have a..." He started as he take his head out of his menu.

"Oh umm uhhhh ahhhh." I stammered. "H-h-hi."

"Kayla." Harry said staring at me as the other boys took their heads out of their menu's also.

"I'm just going to ya'now go." I said jogging to the back room. I burst threw the doors.

"What was that." Clara asked.

"That's my brother." I said tearing my apron off. "I have to go."

I ran out and looked back to see Harry and the boys standing there.

"Danny tell the manager I was sick and I almost threw up." I said to Danny.

"Okay." She said then I booked it out of there. I ran down the street to my building and again that dumb black car raced passed me. I saw my building and started to sprint to the building. When I got to the apartment I ran up stairs. I slammed my door and sank to the ground breathing heavily. Reagan ran up to me and brushed up on me.

"Oh god." I breathed.

I didn't want to stay in the apartment so I went outside. There were some girls outside the hotel. I walked passed and put my hood up. I had a small nose ring that hurt because I had just gotten it. The lady said it would hurt for a little while. I walked passed the park and went into a wide open area. I looked back to see if there was anyone around.

"Ooofff." I ran into someone.

"Sorry love." He said. My brown curls were a mess in my face.

"Oh it was my fault." I smiled knowing that he couldn't see it. I finally cleared my face of hair.

"Oh my god." He said.

"Ummmm hi Zayn." I smiled.

"Kayla." He smiled. Wow he's hotter then he was before. A LOT.


"Why did you run away at Nandos?" He asked.

"Ummmmm well its a really long story." I said.

"Well how about you come to our hotel and tell me." He said with a sweet smile.

"Umm don't think so." I said.

"Harry's not there please." Zayn begged pouting his lip.

"Ummmm okay" I smiled. He slung his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the hotel by my building.

Zayn's POV

"So why did you run?" I asked sitting a crossed from her. Wow she looks even more beautiful then she did last time I saw her.

"Well about 3 months after he left I called him and he was at a club and he wasn't drunk or anything and he was a jerk to me because he was around some girls. Then I Skyped him and he told me I was a bitch and he was leaving." She said.

"Well I bet he didn't mean it." I tried to cheer her up.

"I don't know. He was kind of the reason I changed. I wanted to be different." She shrugged.

"Well you don't look that different then you were." I said. "Just the nose ring"

"I think a little more then the nose ring." I muttered thinking he wouldn't hear me. But he did.

"What else?"

"I have 4 tattoos." I said. His eye's got wider.

"What?" He smiled. I have him a confused look.

"You just didn't seem like that girl."

"Well I am." I shrugged. "I'm actually getting one in 2 hours with my friends and their boyfriends."

Damn she was hot. I mean I thought she was 3 years ago but now god damn she was even more amazing.

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