Chapter 21 Love Him Yes Love Him No

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Kayla’s POV

Harry finally came to the car.

“Harry whats going on?” I asked. He stared at the road in front of him with one hand on the wheel and the other on his chin.

“Kayla your going to Gemma’s for a while.” Harry said. I debated with myself to defend myself or to let it go and see Gemma.

“Harry this isn’t necessary.” I argued prepared for the worst.

“Kayla I”m not fucking with you your going and thats it.” He said raising his voice.  I shut up right away. I knew I wasn’t going to win this. The thing I was worried about was Rea. What if they come back for her? What if they take her and hurt her?

“What about Rea?” I asked quietly.

“She will live with me until you come back.” He answered seriously. He never took his eyes off the road.

We went to my messed up apartment and Harry stuffed a duffle bag with my cloths and we drove to Gemma’s.

“Hey Gems.”


“Yeah its me.”


“It’s Kayla she’s coming to stay with you for a while.”


“Please Gems wait till you see her she got beat up and...”


“Gems it wasn’t my fault.”


“it was Zayn.”


“Gems I’ll tell you when we’re there.”

He hung up.

I sat in silence scared to scream at Harry for accusing Zayn. It took me everything I had not to scream and call him an ass hole for telling Gemma that. It wasn’t Zayn’s fault I would have helped Realyn if I hadn’t seen them.

Harry didn’t talk the whole way there. Neither did I. I have never seen this side to him. He was always sweet and nice. Never dark and forceful.

When we arrived at Gemma’s Harry got me out of the car quickly. Gemma heard the car pull up i guess because she came running out ready to hug us.

“Haz Kay I miss you guys so much.” She said bear hugging us both, squeezing the life out of us.

“Haz are you staying I made dinner for both of you.” She offered. I kept my head down avoiding Harry and Gems looks. Mostly Harry’s. I was dangerously mad at him.

“No I’m going back home. Sorry but I have stuff tomorrow.” He said hugged her. touched my shoulder and I pushed him away running inside.

I watched from the window as Harry left. I watched Gemma walk up to the door. She came inside, into the light. I looked down avoiding her.

“Kayla let me see your face.” She demanded. I looked up. Her eyes widened and she looked completely shocked. “Zyan did this to you?”

“No Harry’s just a fucking ass hole.” I said pushing her hand away and walking past her. “He said that it was Zayns fault I got beat up but I would have help Realyn no matter what.”

“Wait wait who’s Realyn?”

“Well, I was working and I was on my break I saw a girl getting beaten and I helped her then I called the boys and they brought her to my house. The dad of Rea cam there and they all got out forgot to tell me. I came home to find a man there and I was beaten.” I explained. Gemma was speechless.

“Oh my god Kayla.” She said holding my face in her hands. I pushed her hands away.

“Gemma I think I love Zayn.” I admitted. Gemma smiled slightly.

“Awh sweetie.” She said hugging me. I started to feel tears well in my eyes.

“Gemma I really love him.” I started to cry. I cried into her chest. “I really do and Harry keep ruining it. After this he wont like me.”

“Awh don’t cry he will still like you.” She said stroking the back of my head. “You know what mum always said?”

I shook my head.

“She said if you really do love someone and if they really love you there is nothing in the world that can or will change there mind. No one can change that persons mind about how they feel about you. Okay?” She said.

“Yeah but Harry is doing anything to keep me away from him.” I said. “God I hate him.”

“Don’t say that Kayla, Harry loves you, he’s just..” She started to talk but I interrupted her.

“No Gemma you don’t understand he hates me he hates me.” I insisted.

“Okay you know what. I’m gonna be the best sister ever.” She said.

“What are you gonna do?” I sniffed.

“Call Zayn your gonna see him this weekend.” She said handing me her phone. My mood became happier. I grabbed the phone dialing Zayn’s number.




Five days later




I walked into the coffee shop and looked around for Zayn spotting him with a hood up and glasses on. I was so excited to see him. I missed his lips and eyes. I ran to the table lifting his head up kissing him.

He didn’t kiss back.

“Whats wrong?” I asked as my smile began to fade away very slowly.

“Kayla sit down.” He said shamefully. I did as he said.

“This needs to end.” He said coldly.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you keep letting Harry push you around and your being stupid. You let him push you around.” He said. He was being so heartless.

“Im stupid?”

“Kayla I...I...I...I” He paused.

“What.” I asked impatiently.

I saw Harry out of the corner of my eye furious. He saw me with Zayn shit.

“I hate what you’ve become.” He looked away from me. My eyes snapped away from Harry and back to Zayn. My heart pulled itself down.

No words. No feeling. No nothing just betrayal and hurt.

He stood up leaving. Harry came to the table sitting down.

“I can’t believe you Kayla you went behind my back. After I tried to protect you.” He said acting as if he was hurt. I couldn’t pay attention to him. My heart still hurt from Zayn. How could he be so cold and heartless?

“KAYLA!” He screamed drawing attention to the table.

“Damn it Harry.” I shouted back. He grabbed my arm dragging me out. “Fuck off Harry.”

“Shut up Kayla.” He said.

“Why the hell do you fucking do this you can be such an idiot sometimes everyone in our family is smart and straight forward but you you just frustrate everyone and make everyone pay attention to you your so self absorbed and rude and stupid. You never listen you don’t trust ANYONE.” Harry yelled when we got to a vacant ally way.

“I told Gemma you hated me. I just didn’t know she hated me too.” I cried running past him to the car Gemma let me barrow. I started the engine driving off fast. Tear filled my eyes I could hardly see the road. I saw lights and felt heart break.

Zayn hates me. My family hates me. Everyone hates me. I don’t know what i did wrong.

I put my head down wiping the tears away. I looked up to see a bright flashing light.

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