Chapter 22 Is it love

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I swerved put of the semis path sliding into the other lane. I tried to dodge them as they skimmed past me. I pushed the brake only to swerved into the weeds on the side of the road. I felt the bumps of the car ride there way down the steep hill. While I rode the ride of terror I was screaming at the top of my lungs until the impact of the airbag hit my upper body. That shut me up right away. I felt the car skid to a stop. I felt my body go numb and I closed my eyes.

The feeling of blood trickled down the side of my face and my chin. I shook my head only to feel like my brain swished around. I opened my eyes to see the dim light of my head lights shining carefully on the tall weeds. I heard people yelling and screaming but all I heard was Harry, Zayn and Gemmas words flash threw my mind. My hands shook and reached to the seatbelt. I unbuckled it and opened the door, which fell off. I stepped put examining the car. The broken smothered car. The front of the car was dented.

I heard people calling for me.

"Kayla there you are I was looking for you!" And angry looking and sounding man shouted.

"This is what you get." An enraged women said running down the hill toward me.

"This is why I broke up with you, you can't control your emotions or your own life." Another man said sprinting toward me.

I shook my head and looked at the last man. My mind flashed from is face to Zayn's.

"I'm sorry Zayn I love you please forgive me." I screamed.

"I won't." The man yelled back. My bottom lip quivered and I dashed off into the weeds. I wasn't sure where the hell I was going but I sure as hell knew I wasn't going back there.

Harry's POV

I felt really bad for saying that to Kayla. I just needed the let off steam. I shouldn't have on her but I was so mad she went behind my back.

I decided to let her cool off. I went to Zayns to talk to him. I was mad at him but he did what I told him to so I wasn't to mad. I didn't tell him to meet with her in secrete but at least she is going back to Gemma.

I knocked on Zayns door ad he answered in baggy grey sweat pants and an over sided sweatshirt with no hood. He looked at me with sad and depressed eyes.

"Oh Harry I uhh wasn't expecting you here uh come on in." He said stepping aside for me to enter. I stepped in talking.

"I'm sorry you had to tell that to Kayla mate." I said turning around looking at his in shaved face.

"It was for her own good that way she won't get attacked with question and people screaming at her sending her death threats." He sighed. I looked at him with sympathy. I felt bad I ruined this for him.

"Hey how about we get the boys and go out for a drink?" I offered. He declined shaking his head slowly.

"Nah I'm not really in the mood." He said sitting on the couch. His legs flopped open and he slouched down on the couch watching the news. Really the news. I sat next to him looking at the telly. The reporter was rambling on about an accident.

"Come on man you have to do something." I said turning to him.

"Shhh." He shushed me. I frowned.

"I'm just trying to.." He cut me off agin with a shush.


"Harry look at the accident." He said sternly. He started at the telly turning it up.

"What happened here John?" The won meant reporter said as the man at the scene started at the camera.

"Well Amanda witnesses said that a girl wasn't paying attention to wear she was going and started to swerve into the lanes and then drove off road into the weeds down below the road. People say that when they tried to help her after she got out of the driver side of the car they were yelling things like are you okay trying to see what was wrong. Here's one of the first bystanders on the sense." The man said pointing the microphone to the man.

"Well my wife and I saw the whole thing when she went off road we pulled over and ran to her. I asked if she was okay and she yelled back 'I'm sorry Zayn I love you please forgive me' I said what and she ran into the weeds."

"There you have it. Thank you. Now we don't know what injuries the women has and we don't know her current location. Police are doing all they can to locate this women. Another update later." The man finished and threw it back to the women.

"You don't think that's Kayla?" I asked. That was a stupid question.

"It has to be its her car and she said Zayn. She loves me." He said shocked, but a happy shocked.

"Zayn she's lost." I said.

"She loves me." He smiled.


"She loves me I mean I knew she'd say it but not to a stranger." He mumbled.

"ZAYN!" I yelled snapping him a

out of his trace. He looked at me. "We need to find her Zayn."

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