Chapter 12 Its Not Your Relationship

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Harry's POV

"Harry are you passing?" Louis asked.

"Yes that's my sister he's with if my parents were here they would not approve." I protested.

"Harry your parents told you to look after her and you left her alone in London." Liam said.

"Well Gemma was here." I said Gemma is our sister.

"No she moved with your parents and got a job." Niall argued. Which pissed me off.

"Guys she has a nose piercing and tattoos." I said opening my arms.

"So did you." Louis said.

"Well I got tattoos not a..."

"We know." Niall said.

"Well if your sister was dating Zayn what would you do?" I asked Liam. They all looked at him.

"Well that's hard to say I guess I would be cautious but I wouldn't worry to much. I trust Zayn. He's our friend and I think that he wouldn't do anything to upset us." Liam said.

"I have to go." I said grabbing my jacket.

"Wait where are you going?" Louis asked.

"Out." I said walking out. I got in my car and drove to the place Zayn took Kayla to. I was speeding past everything. Zayn was my friend and I did trust him but before I left Kayla tried to hurt herself numerous times over bad boys. I was worried if it didn't work out with Zayn she would do that again and I don't want Zayn to get hurt and I don't want Kayla to get hurt. I was scared and the rest of the boys didn't know how that feels. They only know about my sister trying to kill herself. I knew she was bullied to but I really couldn't do anything about that.

I got to the restaurant and parked. I put on an old lady costume. Which took a long time to get together. I walked inside and spotted them. She looked beautiful and happy. She was laughing. Her hair was just like mine but longer. Her laugh was just like mine. She had my colored eyes. She had long legs to. Not trying to be creepy.

There was a sign that said seat your self. I scanned the room and spotted a two person table right next to Zayn and my sister. I quickly walked to the table forgetting I was an old lady. I sat down and acted tired. The waitress came up to me.

"Hi welcome to London Dinner can I start you off with something to drink?" She asked in the perkiest voice she could.

"Oh yes can I have some coffee." I said in my best old lady voice.

"Okay any scones?" She asked. She had blond hair and brown eye's. She wasn't that tall. She had on red lipstick which looked horrid.

"Yes please one." I said holing up I finger.

"Oh your hands are so young looked and muscular." She pointed out.

"Oh thank you dear. My mother applied a lot of moisturizer on my fingers and hands when I was young." I said.

"Oh well I will get your coffee and scone." She said. I don't think I like scones but that's what older people eat so I decided to try one. I looked at Kayla she was talking about her childhood. I decided to turn my attention under the table to make sure there was nothing going on. They were holding hands under the table. I didn't she anything else beside that.

"Here is you coffee and scone." The lady said setting down the hot steaming cup and the tanned scone with some sort of frosting on it. I spun my head around.

"Thank you sweet child." I said.

"I don't mean to intrude but are you stalking that couple?" She pointed to Zayn and Kayla.

"Oh ummm." I looked at them.

"Ma'am if your stalking them I might have to call the police."

"No that wont be necessary."

"Then why are you staring at them?" She asked.

"Oh that is my daughter. She is on a date and I want to make sure she is okay." I lied.

"Well please don't make it obvious but I will "forget" about it." She smiled walking away.

I breathed a sigh of relieve. I have to be more carful.


So how is it? This is a sort chapter I know but It was on my iPhone and it's hard. I'm at my grandparents and they are talking about politics and the government. I didn't really want to talk about it. So how is it? Bad good? On a s ale of 1 to 10. 10 being the best thing I have ever read. 1 being the most terrible thing I have ever looked at.

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