Chapter 25 Enough

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Kayla's POV

I lay my head down on the pillow. Tears stained my cheeks and my eyes burned.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Gemma asked. I shook my head slowly. I heard a sigh followed by footsteps then the door shutting softly. My brain was knocking with questions and thoughts. I had a huge headache that I don't think will ever go away.

I got up slowly moving to the bathroom. I was happy to be in my own apartment. My own bed with my own blankets. It felt nice. I walked into my bathroom opening the mirror that hid behind it a cabinet filled with medicine and stuff. I grabbed the Advil and got two pills. I popped them in my mouth and got a glass of water. I chugged it down and walked back to the bed room leaving the pills out and the cabinet open to lazy to shut it. I lay in bed only to fall asleep.

"Gemma please just let me see her!" I woke up to a voice outside my door. I rolled over and saw the door was closed.

"No Zayn she's sleeping and she looks awful what did you guys do?" She said. I frowned at her words.

"I'll wait she doesn't know I'm here." He said. I rolled my eyes and fell back to sleep.


I woke up yet again to voices. Only this time they were screaming voices. My eyes were crusted shut so I kept then closed.

"I TOLD YOU TO CHECK ON HER!" Zayn screamed.

"ITS not my fault!" Gemma screamed. Running foot steps came closer.

"I'm so sorry Kayla I didn't mean for this to happen this is all my fault baby please come back!" He said crying. Why the fuck was he crying?

"What are you talking about?" I asked rolling over. I pushed him away from me and rubbed my eyes.

"KAYLA w-we thought you w-where dead!" Gemma cried hugging me.

"Why the hell would you think that?" I asked completely confused.

"Because of the pills!" She cried holding the pill bottle up. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I didn't." I said stupidly.

"I'm so glad your awake." Zayn said. I glared at him.

"I don't want you here." I said coldly.

"Kayla please just..."

"No Zayn you never love me! You said that yourself. You said I was letting Harry push me around well the hell I was, yes I went to Gemmas but I came back to see you. Not my fucking friends not anyone but you!" I said half yelling half just talking. I was close to his body, about to push him out the door.

"Kayla I do love you!"

"No you don't just get out and let me go!" I yelled. He looked taken aback and hurt.

"I can't."

"You have too." I said looking down. Gemma had already left the room given that she didn't want to watch us fight.

"Please Kayla don't do this I love..."

"No Zayn stop you don't you never did. Leave and let me go it's best for both of us." I said as tears started to drip off my chin. He wiped them away with his thumbs bringing my head up.

"Please baby please." He said closing his eyes wile leaning his forehead on mine. My eyes shut and I could feel his lip inch closer to mine. Soon they were on mine.

I didn't do anything. I was frozen with the familiar feeling. He pressed his lips i'm harder on mine to get me to respond. His tongue glided on my bottom lip.

I couldn't get sucked into this.

I pulled away putting my head down and slightly sideways. Silence engulfed the room for a couple minutes as I gathered my thought enough to actually speak.

"Go." I said flatly.


"Let me go Zayn please." I begged slowly pushing him out the door. "Let me go and I'll do the same for you."

I closed the door leaning my back against it and slide down it. Not tears no cries nothing. I just sat there motionlessly.

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