Chapter 1 Hope!

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"John I'm off to school bye." I yelled, walking out the door.

"Have a lovely time." He shouted back. I live with brother John. He is really annoying sometimes but I love him anyways.

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Oh Kay!" He said walking down the stairs. Kay is my nick name

"What?" I asked.

"Tonight I am having the guys over." He said.

"So what do I care?" I snapped.

"Woh." He said

"Sorry. Oh and I have a study thing with a friend from school."

"Who?" He asked.

"A friend love ya bye." I said shutting the door. I was having a guy named Josh over. Oh my god he is so hot nice and a bad boy. He plays football and he gets strait A's. He liked me and I liked him I think he's going to ask me out soon eeek.

"Kay!" My friend Brandy yelled waving to me.

"Hey!" I said stopping as she reached me. She had blonde hair with brown eye's.

"So you have a date with Josh huh?" She asked bumping me.

"Yeah I'm so excited."

"Well good luck girl." She said.

"Thanks okay well lets get to school I want it to be the end of the day as soon as it can."

"Okay race ya." She said taking off toward our school. I sprinted after her. She acts like a little kid some times.

End of the day

School went by so slowly. It was horrible.

"Hey Kayla." Josh yelled coming toward me.

"So you ready to study?" He smiled. Josh was so hot he had Brown hair and gorges blue eye's. He was pretty tall.

"Yeah are you?" I smiled back.

"So are we going to your place or mine?l he asked.

"Mine. If that's okay." I added.

"Yeah its fine." He said.

"Okay well we can walk I walked to school." I said trying to start a conversation.

"Oh so do I." He said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Cool. So what do you need to study." I asked.

"Some Chemistry and Math." He said.

"Me too." Wow this is a really awkward conversation.

"So how life?" He asked.

"Oh its just great." I answered. "Yours?"

"Well my parents are always fighting so I don't really go home a lot. I stay at my friend Cody's house." He said.

"Oh i'm sorry about your parents." I said.

"It's okay." He smiled.

"Well here we are." I said. We walked into.the house and there were my brothers friends and my brother.

"Hey Kayla." He paused. "And company."

"Who's that. Is he your boyfriend?" Louis teased.

"We are going to be studying upstairs. Please don't bother us." I asked.

"Kayla introduce me to your friend." John said standing up.

"Josh this is my brother Harry. Harry this is Josh." I said as Harry shook his hand. "Josh these are his friend Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis."

"Hello." He said.

"Hey Josh." They all answered.

"Well then we are going to go study." I said grabbing Josh's hand and pulling him up the stairs before they could say anything else.

"I'm sorry about them." I said sitting down in my bed.

"It's okay." He said sitting beside me. I have him a smile and we started homework.

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