Chapter 20 Over Again

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Zayns POV


Thats all I thought about


She was everything to me and I forgot about her. I forgot about her when we left and now she’s hurt. It’s all my fault.I could have just tied her up and beat her that is basically  what I did. She probably hates me I would if I was her.

Oh god Harry he probably hates me more then anyone has ever hated someone before.   To him i’m satan, the guy that hurt his sister, the devil. Because of my mistake she could have died.

I stared at her beautiful face now bruised and cut. Her beautiful flawless skin marked with pain. My fault

“Kayla can talk to you please?” I asked as she looked up from her hug with Rea. She nodded and walked over to the corner with me. I stopped meeting my brown eyes with her green ones.

“Zayn if this is going to be a rant on how your going to beat up that low life son of a bitch I don’t want to hear about it.” She said with her big eyes.

“Kayla I’m so sorry this is all my fault you got hurt. I didn’t think and I should have just gone with you and protected you more. You could have gotten killed and that was all my fault.” I said touching her cheek carful not to touch her bruise. I rubbed her cheek slowly but carefully. “Kayla I want you safe. I don’t want you to get hurt and I don’t want you to be alone or scared. I’m here for you, to protect you, forever, and always.”

She let a smile creep across her face.

“You mean you still think I’m pretty with these bruises and cuts on my face?” She chuckled. I smiled and hugged her.

“Of course. I think your beautiful no matter what. No matter how old or how much make up you have on I think your the most beautiful girl in the whole universe. There is nothing you can do to your face, body, personality, hair, eyes, or any other body part or feature that would make me love you any less then I love you now. Which is a lot.” I added smiling.

“I love you to Zayn.” She smiled letting go of the hug and kissing me on the lips, I kissed her back gently feeling her smile against my lips.

“Okay well now i can live happily ever after right?” I asked. She giggled an we went back to the group.

We approached the group then I looked at Harry who was sending me death glares. He had his arms crossed and was leaning against a wall.

“Harry are you okay?” Kayla asked.

“Kayla your not to see Zayn again for a little.” He said suddenly.

“What?” She asked.

“You heard me lets go.” He said grabbing her arm dragging her away.

“Hey Harry you can’t decide things for her.” I said holding her other arm.

“Zayn I am her older brother and you are her boyfriend she doesn’t listen to you.” Harry said harshly.

“Neither do you.” Kayla snapped.

“Kayla get in the car.” Harry said in a low growl.

“Harry...” Kayla started.

“Get in the car!” Harry yelled. Kayla looked surprised as the rest of us. Harry doesn’t really yell. He never really has. Well at least not like that.

Kayla slowly made her way to the door opening it and disappearing behind it. I looked at Harry who was angry.

“Zayn...” Harry said.

“Harry please just...”

“Don’t talk or see my sister for a while.” He said shamefully.

“But Harry its not your decision.” I argued carful not to make him more angry.

“Right now I am trying to be the brother I never was to her. I messed up and kept my distance now I am trying to help her.

“Harry I know that.” I lied. Harry ditched her. He left her. I did to but I wanted in love with her like I am now. He is making it worse by keeping her away from me. I know he’s trying to be a big brother. Which is great but its not right like this.

“Zayn please just stay away from her.” He said walking out the door.


My bestest friend @weyhey_harry are making a youtube account just because we hang out alot and we get bored so yeah there are no videos on there currently because my daddy has my camera and I got to his house tomorrow and see weyhey on friday or saturday. SOOOOO yeah. you can find us on youtube if you look up 'Kelsey Natalie' so yeah um just letting you know yeah umm a video will be posted soon.



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