Chapter 4 - Shadows

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The giant lizard strode to his den thinking about what happened on the hill. It was heart wrenching but no one could be trusted on Monster Island for now, Gigan was somewhere and he had backup that's for sure. 

Outside his den was a coconut tree he had planted a few days ago, it had been a while since he last checked on it. He could only see a tiny sprout and wasn't surprised if that was still the case such plants did take a while to grow. So the lizard grabbed a large branch that he used as a shovel and walked over to the spot where the sprout stood, one of the only things visible in the darkening surroundings. 

"Hello my little friend." Godzilla looked down at the sprout that was sturdier and taller than before, he was both impressed and a little shocked as well. His soon-to-be resource had grown, Godzilla loved coconuts they were scattered all over the island sometimes and the juices were always fresh on a hot sunny day. Having his own coconut tree would be so convenient for him, the giant reptile just had to be wary of falling coconuts from time to time.

Godzilla took a closer look at the green sprout, it was now as tall as his ankle with a few leaves emerging from the sides of the stem's tip, it's only been five days how fascinating Godzilla thought. 

"My you've grown! That was fast!" Godzilla exclaimed trying to keep his voice down in case someone heard him, the lizard didn't want to interact with anyone especially at night, they could be plotting something during this time.

"And you certainly had a very long rest after your battle with Mechagodzilla." An unknown voice said.

Quickly, Godzilla turned around to the dark corners near the tree lines and saw a strange figure in the distance, creeping up to him slowly. He couldn't tell who or what it was, the darkness made it hard to decipher. 

"Who's there?" Godzilla called out his voice shaking.

The shadowy figure approached him rustling the leaves of the bushes showing how big it was, intimidating Godzilla because it was night and the lizard wasn't ready to fight. Is Gigan finally showing himself? This has to be the worst timing for a battle! Both he and I won't be able to see each other's tails, the minute we start swinging our tails at each other we'd trip into the water down there! Am I just coming up with excuses not to fight right now or just really scared? Honestly I'm a little terrified I don't know what to expect.

"Look Gigan I know your tricks they don't scare me."


"It's not funny anymore I've got my friends to help and we'll kick your butt outta here!"

The kaiju got closer revealing it's long narrow legs and a small body that blended in with the trees. Definitely not Gigan. When the giant lizard observed its features and movements something struck him. The fumes coming out of it, this kaiju was no stranger.

"Scylla it's you..."

"Indeed. We meet again Godzilla." The spider-looking kaiju stood in front of him and let out a cry that frightened Godzilla at first, for it to be a greeting since he just became the King Of Monsters and every Kaiju knew about it.

Godzilla gave the green kaiju some room it was clear she wanted to speak with him why else would she come all the way here. It must be related to the recent events involving Gigan. Scylla had to know something bugs were very observant and after what happened to Mothra this had to be of no coincidence. 

"What brings you here Scylla?" Godzilla asked taking note of his surroundings in case this was a potential trap.

The green kaiju coughed up some of her Nitrogen. She just came back from hunting prey, Nitrogen helps her take down opponents but once it used it takes a while to wear off. Droplets left a few burns on the ground.

"I need to show you something, you might not like what I'm about to say but," The green kaiju started walking towards the trail she came from. "You're going to have to see it for yourself." Moving off into the dark was a sign for Godzilla to muster the courage and face the shadows lurking in the forest, Scylla was brave and the giant lizard knew he had to get to the bottom of this.

Godzilla growled and followed Scylla, branches and insects buzzing around obscured his vision, the forest was dense it was hard keeping up with Scylla in this condition, she blended in well with the forest. 

"Have you noticed anything strange lately?" Godzilla was taken aback by Scylla's sudden question, everything was normal so far besides the spiral in the sky. Wait did she see it too?

"Besides the strange spiral in the sky, not sure if you've seen it, not really." Should he tell her about Mothra's encounter with Gigan? Maybe Scylla knows something they don't. After all she was one of the wisest and informative kaiju out there.

The kaiju in front of him coughed up more Nitrogen, it was starting to get a little infuriating for Godzilla because he couldn't tell if the fumes were getting to her or if the kaiju was laughing at him, the giant reptile just continued showing his understanding towards Scylla's condition by keeping quiet he didn't want to accuse her of anything.

"The spiral's been there for three days, it disappeared earlier today and if you noticed Monster Island is the only place that-

Something wasn't adding up, either Godzilla completely lost track of time or Scylla forgot how to count. It's only been a day since Godzilla and his friends saw the spiral, make it two assuming Mothra's been seeing it after her trip. Throughout the entire week there hasn't been any strange things going on here and the sky has always been clear of any spirals or anomalies if there was anything big that happened recently Godzilla would've known about it by now.

Godzilla was now starting to suspect Scylla maybe she was trying to confuse him, now that he was following her the lizard had to be very careful. "It's only been a day Scylla it's Tuesday check your calendar." Taking a deep breathe Godzilla caught up with her and braced himself, she might lash out on him admittedly he sounded quite harsh there.

"It's a Friday night, Mothra came back the day before yesterday that's why everything seems like an ordinary day on Monster Island no missing Mothra or Baragon." Scylla glanced at Godzilla from her expression he could tell she was slightly annoyed by his response.

"How it can't be that almost a week has passed! I clearly remember everything that happened yesterday! I was hanging out with Anguirus and we were building sandcastles mine was obviously bigger and-

"You didn't talk to Mothra." Scylla cut him off immediately which left Godzilla feeling awkward.

"Well yeah but what's that got to do with this?!"

"If you had asked Mothra how was her trip you would've known. Have you forgotten how long it takes to travel from Monster Island to Hollow Earth for example?" Scylla was starting to sound very mad and her coughs were getting worse.

Godzilla raised his hands up, in all honesty Scylla was starting to make a lot more sense now maybe something strange was happening and he hadn't been paying attention. But seriously it's only been two days how was it going to be the weekend? He needed more answers and Scylla's going to have to give him a convincing one! Should he get Mothra? Sadly she's mad at him and talking her into joining the discussion wouldn't work, but flowers might. 

As they continued on the path Godzilla thought about what flowers to get for Mothra. Images of different flower species flashed in his mind, red, yellow, pink and may others. It was hard to choose! I guess Scylla really nailed it in the coffin, I should start talking to Mothra on a daily basis, get to know her more maybe she'll even tell me who she likes! That would be so interesting! Two friends sitting on a patch of flowers talking about their likings! I can't wait to hear Mothra's, I'll meet up with her tomorrow then. Godzilla laughed quietly to himself he couldn't wait for the next day to come, if he doesn't find Mothra she'll find him the lizard was sure of it.

Godzilla snapped out of his thoughts when both kaiju reached a clearing. They had arrived and there was something in particular that caught his attention. It never looked like that something must've happened.

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