Chapter 5 - Abnormal Events

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There was light emitting beneath the trees miles from the cliff the two kaiju were standing on. It was a bright golden glow flickering every second, someone was down there and it wasn't good. The only kaiju who have wandered these quiet areas of Monster Island were Titanosaurus and Scylla, the rest like Godzilla himself rarely did and if they had to it was because of danger or an intruder. Which begs the question, was Gigan already here? Was he down there and should he warn the others immediately, though that wasn't a good idea because it was night and Gigan could have other kaiju with him. This was too dangerous and Godzilla will have to wait until morning, he had Scylla too but ambushing the enemy's base was a risky game for the two kaiju. Godzilla took note of the surroundings and waited for what Scylla had to say.

The bronze greenish kaiju coughed and looked at the giant reptile. Godzilla wished he knew earlier, after the destruction Gigan caused to some of his friends, it left kaiju like Baragon and King Caesar horrified. No doubt Gigan wasn't the only space kaiju out there, tons of evidence shows there could be a lot more working alongside him. Moreover, King Ghidorah ruled them for a longtime until Godzilla took care of him. Who's to say the space kaiju haven't found themselves a new leader? Gigan was already on the move with his plans.

"There's an intruder on Monster Island, seems like that's his hidden base."

"Scylla if three days have really passed, why-

"You were asleep."


Godzilla didn't understand, of course he sleeps on daily basis what is Scylla talking about. This was getting even more confusing it was hard putting the pieces together. It can't be he was in a deep slumber while all the events were happening, he would've heard them. 

"Everyone on Monster Island was asleep for three days. Mothra was away so the spell didn't affect her." Scylla turned around and began walking away, Godzilla followed after her the lizard needed answers.

"What spell? Scylla what is going on?!" Godzilla growled he just wanted Scylla to get straight to the point not drop hints.

The green kaiju stopped and looked at him. I'm keeping a distance because I know how you're going to react Godzilla. Narrowing her eyes, Scylla sighed and went on.

"All the kaiju were in a deep slumber except me. When I was going to pay Baragon a visit I noticed Anguirus was still sleeping which was odd, it was noon and knowing Anguirus he'd be jumping around like a lunatic with you and King Caesar. I thought he was tired and needed more sleep so I carried on with my day that was when I saw King Caesar passed out near the shore it was an unfortunate sight. That's when I noticed something was wrong so I carried him to land safely and decided to check on you and the rest." Scylla took a deep breathe and shot a glance at Godzilla who was looking at her in dismay, the bug kaiju knew how much Godzilla cared for his friends. The reptile getting upset was understandable.

"To my surprise you were asleep too and then something fell from the sky and blocked my vision. When I looked up I saw some strange particles coming down and a strange spiral. I couldn't confirm if I was seeing things or not because everyone else was in a deep slumber, it was a horrifying experience three days with no interaction just the sound of waves on the quiet island."

"And what about you? Why didn't the particles affect you or anything?" Godzilla was about to raise his suspicion before Scylla replied.

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