Chapter 7 - Hidden Threat

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"This part of the forest sure is quiet. Seems like we're the only ones here. How long more Godzilla this place is giving me the creeps." Anguirus complained his legs were sore, even Mothra found the path they've taken overwhelming it was hard to fly and observe their surroundings.

The three kaiju continued moving until Godzilla smelled the strong scent of wet grass an indication that it must've rained that night. Strong scent of grass or anything native to the terrain means the trail was indeed leading them somewhere. And that was their destination it was time for them to be careful the base was near and Godzilla had never been there during the day, who knows what is waiting for them out there, anyone could be watching them at this very moment. 

Even though the corners were shadowed by darkness, Godzilla wasn't afraid, whoever was hiding in the bushes or behind the trees was outnumbered. In fact, he got the perfect team. Still, the thought of other kaiju daring to betray him still stuck with him. What did he do to get something like that in return for the harmony that the titans formed. That was something he couldn't understand.

Godzilla glanced at Mothra who seemed to be in deep thought too. What was she thinking? Did she have hopes that everything will return to normal because he wasn't really sure. Unlike him though, Mothra was always steady she rarely complained about anything every mission with her gave Godzilla the motivation to finish the task and save humanity no matter how difficult times were. Thinking back when was the last time Mothra decided to hold the mission, Godzilla never recalled anything like that happening. He respected Mothra and hoped this relationship would continue, the giant reptile was grateful for her efforts.

"Thanks guys I'm glad I have you as my friends." Godzilla said dryly for some reason he felt guilty. This investigation was still dangerous he didn't want to put his friends at risk. Not long ago he didn't trust them, going as far to keep them out of this and when he needed them the most, they found him lying near the shore in a weak state. This insecurity was starting to build inside him and it was overwhelming.

"Godzilla we'll always be friends no matter what that's a promise." Anguirus reassured him.

"And if someone steps on your tail don't hesitate to call us!" The giant moth smiled and spun around in the air, proud of what she had just said. 

Hearing what his friends said sparked a glimmer of hope in his heart. The giant reptile was determined to protect his friends from any harm. And he was going to get Baragon and Scylla back they probably didn't mean to hurt him like that. He still remembered the miserable expression Baragon had. 

Suddenly a bright red laser struck the ground behind Anguirus sending rocks and dust flying into the air. Godzilla and Anguirus started coughing as the air was slowly clouded by the dust, Mothra managed to swerve up before any of the particles got to her wings.

"Mind if I join in the conversation too?" 

Godzilla recognized that voice, it had been a few hours since the horrible events happened and now that jerk was back.

The other two kaiju looked up and saw the space kaiju. Gigan found them.

Before he could dive in and get Anguirus off his feet with the hooked blades Mothra spread out her wings in case he got close, Godzilla and Anguirus were still fighting the dust. The giant moth had to be careful Gigan was known for being a sneaky fighter she couldn't let her guard down not like last time when she was flying back to Monster Island she wasn't planning on visiting Manda again anytime soon. But that won't happen Godzilla and Anguirus were here Gigan was no match for all of them at once he'd run away before the battle could even start and than they'd have to play hide and seek again.

"I see you brought your dear friends too bad they're no match-

"Shut it Gigan we've had enough of your stupid games. Leave this Island now before things get worse for you, we're not playing around." Godzilla gritted his teeth in anger, if only he could fly up there and knock Gigan to the ground, it might create a huge hole in the middle of the forest from the impact but at least that would serve as a reminder to never lay a hand on Monster Island ever.

The space kaiju let out a loud screech and clasped his blades together in fury. The three kaiju got into a fighting stance. Their opponent could attack at any moment.

"Oh I'm not here to fight, in fact I have a surprise for you."

All of them looked up to see a strange cloud formation in the sky followed by vicious lightning it was a dreadful sight for a supposed calm morning. The sound of thunder echoed throughout the clearing leaving Anguirus stunned from the worries enveloping him. Howls of the wind sent shivers down Godzilla's spine it's been a while since he felt so afraid. 

They watched as a large bulky figure emerged from the dark clouds that descended above them. Judging from the monstrous claws and eerie eyes, Godzilla knew trouble was on their way and all he could do was wait and see what they were up against. 

Wingbeats sent spirals of gust in their direction, whoever was up there cackled. Mothra decided to land there was no doubt they were all equally terrified of what was coming their way. The creature was huge and terrifying who knows what powers it wielded they just had to wait and see for themselves. Godzilla was ready to send this creature back to the skies if it dared attack him and the other two kaiju but given the situation it seemed like this was the case. Gigan had done it again which meant this was going to be last time he would pull such plans again, Godzilla was going to make sure of that.

But all that was going to change when Godzilla finally saw who was in front of him. Someone unsettlingly familiar there was no doubt it was...

"We meet again Godzilla." That sinister voice belonging to Destroyah struck him, the giant lizard started feeling lightheaded as he stumbled back trying to calm himself.

Seeing the situation below him made Gigan laugh uncontrollably. It just takes a familiar face to send Godzilla into a spiral of emotions. Gigan couldn't wait to see what will happen next it was certainly going to be interesting knowing Godzilla came all the way here to get his friends back and stop him. It was too late the space kaiju was never alone in this, Destroyah had his back at all times. 

It's over Godzilla you're done for just give up you don't stand a chance. Gigan was starting to get a little annoyed as the three kaiju haven't started running yet like he thought they would. What are you guys doing Destroyah's right there if I were I'd run! Wait did I just admit to being a coward?! No I mustn't stoop any lower than them!

"Destroyah we're putting an end to your destruction once and for all." Godzilla said eyeing the large kaiju in front of him.

"I see." Destroyah sneered as he spread his wings. The three kaiju looked at each other standing side-by-side preparing for what's about to happen, Destroyah scanned them and growled fiercely. 

"Bring it on."

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