Chapter 1: We are lovers

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus x Phugun

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Phugun didn't understand why he allowed P'Cir into his apartment.

Maybe it's because he knew who P'Cir was.

Maybe it's because he saw the gauze bandage on P'Cir's forehead...

Maybe it's because he saw the surprised look on his neighbors' faces when they saw P'Cir and him hugging each other.

It doesn't matter the reason, now that P'Cir is already sitting in the living room of his apartment.

"And why did he look at me like that?" Phu wondering

Phugun is working hard to be a host who will treat guests well. He looked for water for the guest to drink, but just turning his head to look at the guest's face, the owner of the house was shocked, almost too late to turn his eyes to the refrigerator, and then he could feel his back was on fire, because he could detect that those penetrating eyes were staring at him without blinking.

When he was in high school, the young man had heard a lot of news about the latter, one of which was that the girls at school gave him a nickname...

"Iceberg Prince"

Not because he looks like the actors from the Korean TV series of the same name, but because of his aloofness.

Eeerrrr... but I can more or less understand those girls' minds, well, P'cir's hug is so warm and he hugs me so tightly....

That thought made Phugun's face a little hot, but he quickly dispelled the heat.

"Here's the water, Phi"



The moment Phugun placed the glass of water in front of him, P'Cir opened his mouth, but then he fell silent again, letting the little man look at him in confusion, his large, round eyes meeting his piercing ones.

Making people feel that this person is really not that cold, just a little quiet, too quiet so that people secretly thought it was terrible.

P'Cir said nothing. The tall man just picked up the glass of water and took a sip...

This simple action left Phugun in awe...

Only in close contact did Phugun discover the figure of P'Cir. He is so tall and even taller than Jin. Only this time did he have the opportunity to observe the chiseled face of the rumors.

In the end, he must admit that P'cir is really handsome, he is more handsome than Achi, his eyebrows are like black ink, his eyes are like a knife, and his nose is high and his lips are thin, his face determined with a circle with stubble on his chin making it look exactly like his name means. But he doesn't look messy; in fact, it adds a touch of masculinity. Although the gauze is still on his forehead, this person's beauty has not diminished in the slightest.

[Cir's name in Thai means like a guy with long hair and some beard]

And now this beautiful person is looking at Phugun so coldly.

"Uh, Phi, what happened to you?"

Phugun didn't turn on the air conditioning, but those sharp eyes in front of him made him feel inexplicably cold, and the atmosphere in this room was so suppressed that the rain outside couldn't cover it, until one of the parties decided to take the initiative to break the silence here.

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