chapter 26: Hitting the wrong person

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Phugun is not a person who gets angry at others easily, but when he heard Nalin's voice from Tee's phone, he was shocked and rushed over at full speed.

He became furious when he saw Lookpear raise her hand and try to slap his friend, scolding her or hit her, anything, but don't touch his important people!

If anyone has never seen Phugun's angry look, then they will see it today.
The force of that slap is not light, Phugun's face turns red to one side.

"What is your problem, are you crazy" Phugun scolds loudly.

"You, who touch other people's stuff you're are crazy!" Lookpear screams again, trying to withdraw her wrist, but this time Phugun doesn't let go.

"Let go! You're a crazy gay man! Don't spread the homosexual virus on me, leave me, you hear me?"

"Oh huh! What are you saying?"

Phugun hears Nalin interrupt loudly, but doesn't have time to turn around.

"Listen to me!"

"No, I'm not listening. I said Cir is mine, he's my fiancé now. Sooner or later Cir will marry me. His mother chose me when we were young and she remembers it clearly Ai'Gay"

Lookpear not only didn't listen, but also shouted, as if to let everyone know that phugun is gay. This made the blood boil of someone who never got angry easily.

Phugun doesn't care who calls him gay, but he can't stand this unreasonable mad woman.

"I told you to listen!"

Phugun suddenly pulls the other person's shoulders to face him. The voice is so loud that the person screaming is stunned.

"What are you doing?"

"I won't do anything to you, I just want to tell you." phugun lowers his voice and then adds...

"I don't know how you grew up, but you're too shameless to run here and make trouble like this. I don't understand why you did that. If you're sure you're P'Cir's girlfriend, the person P'Cir loves, you can talk to P'Cir, instead of beating people all over, last time you wanted to beat me, and now you come again to make trouble with my friends, you don't care about your family's reputation, you only think about yourself, well, no one wants to see a woman who chases a man like this, and I don't want to see it either!"

This is what P'Cir always sees when his parents are together? Who can bear it?

He's not angry with P'Cir, of course, but even if P'Cir has nothing to do with that woman, he doesn't want P'Cir to have such a neurotic girlfriend.

"Did you understand?"

"You! You say that to me? Do you scold me because I don't know how to behave? You blame my parents"

It's her business how she grew up. This guy knows nothing. She began to love Cir when she was less than ten years old. Lookpear does not know where this boy appeared, but whether he dares to stand next to the person she loves, she won't stop for anyone. Only me, Lookpear, can stand by P'Cir.

"I didn't scold your parents!"

"You said how I grew up. In addition to tormenting Cir, you also insulted my family. If I don't slap you twice today, I won't go back!"

Lookpear fights harder and harder, with both hands scratching, phugun begins to lose his strength.

"Oh, shut up, you!"

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