chapter 11: The person who gets sick wanted to be babied

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Why doesn't God treat me well today?

wa~ wa~

Under the university entrance overpass, our Mr. Sisira lined up with people waiting to board a motorcycle, staring angrily at the dark clouds in the sky with wide eyes.

It seems that today it's not only a rainy day, but there was also a rumbling thunder, and it made people sigh in depression.

After seeing P'Cir left, Phugun walked to the school gate to the taxi stand and queued up. Everyone knows that school hours are also for some people, so it's very difficult to get a taxi.

Seeing that the sky is already cloudy, and when the lines getting long, he started to drizzle, but the distance between the school and the apartment is less than ten minutes by car, so Phugun naively thought that it was no big deal to arrive a little wet.

What didn't matter turned abruptly when the biker just left the school entrance with him. Suddenly, he didn't know whether it was a hole in the sky or the sky gods wanted to wash him, it was raining and thundering. The motorcyclist couldn't stand the rain, so he decided to stop under the overpass to hide from the rain. It turns out that many people were as unlucky as them.

Phugun tried to find a taxi, but when it rained like this, there would definitely be no empty cars. Furthermore, the roads are very congested. So bike is convenient.


The boy rubs his palms against his wet clothes from the rain and fog.

"Is Nong okay? The rain is really heavy. I don't know when it will stop."

"It's okay, Phi. We can't go in the rain anyway. Safety is the first priority."

Phugun smiled at the driver who was worried about him. He felt that the motorcycle driver should worry about himself. This is a peak flow of people that can bring several waves of passengers from one place to another, but who would choose to take a motorbike in this rain?

"It's good that the rains came. It's already October."

"The rain came a little later this year, didn't it? God isn't willing to let rain for long."

In the middle of the year, the area of the hometown was super arid, but when the rain fell, it flooded. What caused this?

Afterwards, Phugun heard Phi talking to his wife and children while waiting for the rain to stop. The rain fell and fell, and his insides became wet. The storm gradually stopped his momentum and he was finally able to leave on the motorcycle.

However, before arriving at the apartment, another heavy rain began. Finally, Phugun's entire body was soaked and a large amount of water came out of his clothes as he writhed.

"God really has no mercy on me."

When he arrived at the apartment, the boy seemed resentful. People who believe in fate like him can't help but think that on Thursdays he was always unlucky. Because last week was bad every day except when he met P'Cir. He felt more frustrated when he thought about it.

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