Chapter 6: A friend's boyfriend

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

I'm not sure if it's because of the storm that just passed through or some other reason. Today's sky is extremely clear and bright. The clouds are like cotton candy, floating in a fluffy way. A boy took out his cell phone to take a photo, causing the senior who always looked serious to be full of doubts.

"Lots of clouds... Where?" Wim wondered.

Instead of looking for his target, the young man sat next to the person and looked up at the sky.

"Do you think it will rain today?" This question piqued Jin's interest, for the first time, he looked directly at the man who approached him.

He is not a member of the faculty Jin was sure of it. He looked with interest at the person sitting next to him.

Although the way this person looked at the sky his eyes shone with curiosity and he even raised his hand to cover his eyes, trying to predict today's weather.

This made the nong who never spoke more willing to answer the question.

"In the morning"

Those eyes looked back, and Jin saw sparks of curiosity and faith spring from them.

"Nong can also predict the weather, huh?"

Jin smiled at him but didn't respond, turning his head again and looking at the white clouds.

"Uh, this guy is kind of weird." Wim thought in surprise.

Suddenly, he discovered that they were sitting together and that this boy is really huge, just a little shorter than Cir, but these things didn't catch his attention like the other party's strange behavior.

"Hey Lion!" The cheerful person pointed to a cloud in the sky and laughed.

In addition to not knowing why this senior was sitting there, the boy also wondered what kind of animal the cloud in the sky was. Despite everything, the boy doesn't seem willing to answer phi questions.

"There is also the movie, the Lion King!"

"what was he doing?"

Wim shook his head and gestured to stand. At the moment, he had forgotten about the ultimate goal of coming to the College of Arts and Sciences, and he had to know this strange boy for a moment, and then he wanted to play with him too.



Before getting up, Wim heard the sound of the person next to him. He turned around and discovered that the boy was serious.

"There is no name, it must be a tiger."

The person who heard it raised his head and looked up at the sky. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"No name, so it's a lion"

However, the person sitting together responds more seriously:

"There are stripes."


Wim opened his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the cloud he was looking at before.

You're not sure where the head is, where the tail is, and where the lion's head is in your imagination, but how do you want me to look at these markings? Are you looking at those clouds that look like lines?

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