chapter 16: An angry person can do anything

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Phugun returns to the elevator, so angry that his hands are shaking. Someone is trying to use the money to insult him and also to destroy every relationship his son has with him. He doesn't know what kind of relationship they're imagining between him and P'Cir, but he won't give up under any circumstances!


Phugun opens the door loudly, goes straight to the balcony of the room, pulls the telephone by wire and shakes it slightly.

*Ring Ring*

P'Cir tied the bell to each end a few days ago. When someone shakes the rope, he rings the bell. It doesn't take long for P'Cir to walk over to the balcony and look up. Phugun doesn't wait for P'Cir to take the cup so he screams.

"P'Cir, why was your mother so mean! How can she use the money to buy me?

"What? Phugun, what did you say?"

"Eew! P'Wim?"

The angry person stops. That's not P'Cir's voice, the person who stuck his head out is another senior, and not only that, there's also a boy next to P'Cir.

"I'll go up right away."

Phugun doesn't have time to investigate further, because P'Cir disappeared from the balcony by the time he finished speaking.

"Ohye! I want to go too, Cir! Was it that Obasan who disturbed you again?"

Phugun sees P'Cir's brother raise his head and smile at him, follows P'Wim and they both disappear together onto the balcony. It doesn't take long to hear the sound of the door opening, and P'Cir enters first with a solemn expression.

"Ohye! Do you also know the password for Nong's door? Are you sure you haven't done something shameful? Hey, Zone, say something your brother opened his neighbor's door!"

"Doesn't P'Cir want to know about our mother?

Wim looks resentful, it's completely different from his usual cheerful look.

"Do you want to know what Obasan wants to play with again? What kind of ways did she find to mess with my brother again?"

Phu is very interested in the dialogue between P'Wim and P'Cir's nong, but the round eyes suddenly stop on the well-defined face. P'Cir looks at him worriedly, his tall body stops in front of him, and his large hand touches his pale cheek.

"Was Phu messed up?

Phu shakes his head, suddenly, the anger from the beginning gradually dissipates and disappears.

"N.. no, I'm fine." Test him, Phu will definitely defeat them!


Phu is stunned, because P'Cir pulls him against his chest and hugs him tightly. Faced with the incredulous looks of the other two, he strokes Phu's hair with his large hands

"Well, I thought that woman took you to vent her anger."

"Hey, I can take care of myself, really na!"

He tries to wriggle out of the senior's embrace, but P'Cir isn't willing to let him go. In the end, he can only choose to avoid the astonished gaze of the other two.

"Oh- if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never believe it. People like you still speak with this expression" Wim says with surprise, then turns to look at his friend's brother.

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