chapter 9: You should take a shower if you get caught in the rain

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

"Do you think today's movie was interesting?"

"Didn't you understand anything?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you to summarize for me."

In the backseat of a famous steakhouse, Phugun has just bought a vegetable salad from the salad bar in the center of the store. He puts the salad in his mouth, chewed and swallowed; and asked his friend about the story of the film they had just watched together.

This left the friend he saw the film with very confused look, it's as if Phugun hadn't seen the film and was completely confused by it, but if a friend invited him to watch it together, he would go see it.

"It's a satirical story about freudalism and capitalists. In comparison, even if there are no nobles today, people still use money to measure themselves, but the film uses a lot of colorful symbols, which is a little difficult to interpret."

Jin explained tirelessly, because only Phugun would listen to him talk about the sky and the movies of his choice.

Then Jin finished speaking and asked with a smile, "What did you think after seeing it?"

Phugun replied without thinking "Popcorn with sea salt and coke, it's super invincible and delicious."

The literary young man couldn't help but laugh and turned to look outside. Lines of clouds crossed the red-orange sky.

Phugun hurriedly swallowed the chicken cutlets and asked excitedly

"How is the sky today?"

Jin turned to look at Phugun, his voice is sweet,


"That means only good things will happen. Right?"

Phugun looked anxious and nodded to himself.

Although people like to say that Jin is a strange person, Phugun doesn't see it that way. People don't always like same things. My friend likes to look at the sky and doesn't cause trouble for anyone.

Also, whenever Jin looks up at the sky and says something, it usually turns out to be true. If you say the sky is good, it means there must be something good today.

Oh! You see, I had a good meal for free. Generally, Phugun is a boy who believes in luck. Phugun laughed to himself, turned his head, picked up the soup and put it in his mouth.

"Did you ask him for permission"

"Ask who? "


Cough, cough, cough

The person who drank the soup suddenly choked, raised his head and looked at his friend and found that Jin's eyes showed a very strange and curious light. Jin never asked about others.

"Why P'Cir?"

The person opened his big eyes wide, and his tongue was about to knot, and he said quickly. At the same time, his cheeks began to blush, especially when he thought about the scene where someone hugged him yesterday, his body became strangely warm.

"You came here, what did he say?"

"Oh, why would he say something? I just went out to see a movie and we have nothing between us."

The more Phugun spoke, the more his tongue curled, looking suspicious, but his mind turned to thinking that someone said he was jealous, but he quickly dismissed the idea and continued telling himself that they had nothing between them.

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